Recommended Fish


New Member
May 3, 2005
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
I have a 2ft 20 gallon tank. What fish would you recommend would be suitable for the tank and what would also look good.
Note: I dont have plants in my tank only caves and rocks.
Ummm i would say a bit of both, I know i want to get about 5 neon tetras, but I also want a couple of medium sized fishes. I;m also new with fish tanks so I don't want something thats hard to take care of.
Praecox rainbow fish are nice and would work with your tank size and neons as they only grow to about 2.5". Try this link for info:

Zebra Danios are nice beginners fish, quite hardy and are lively and entertaining to watch. May not be the prettiest fish in the world but they definietly have a lot of charm and are a good addition to start with. Ours always keep us amused. :clap:
have you tried platies - really nice peacefull fish and come in lots of diffent colors - try looking for the blue spotted or red wag tail - if you dont like red gold wag tails are nice - or go for mollies - black or white

respect now -

remember when stocking your tank - keep it real
Kazman said:
Zebra Danios are nice beginners fish, quite hardy and are lively and entertaining to watch. May not be the prettiest fish in the world but they definietly have a lot of charm and are a good addition to start with. Ours always keep us amused. :clap:
I've searched up Zebra Danios. The Red Zebra Danios' look nice, maybe I might try to find some. Are they eay to find? Thanks for the advice
I also have alot of random fish in their, a white cloud a mollie, a clown loach, algae sucker, and a platty. I think I'm going to give the clown loach to my neighbour because his tank is double my size so he could handle it better after what i've read about how big they grow.
Normal zebras are very easy to find, where do you live?. I've never seen red ones though?. I see gold ones quite alot and albino and they're very nice too.

What type of algae sucker do you have?.
Red zebra's are a Malawi Cichlid which you definately don't want in your community tank, species tank only. Any red zebra danios's you see will be dyed....beware.
OK, I was thinking of getting 6 neon tetra, 6 white clouds and 5 cherry barbs but i have found out cherry barbs arent a shoaling fish, so i'm pretty much back to the start.
I know I want to have neons and white clouds in there I just need another fish in there that grows to a decent size for my 18G tank.
FuelPimp said:
OK, I was thinking of getting 6 neon tetra, 6 white clouds and 5 cherry barbs but i have found out cherry barbs arent a shoaling fish, so i'm pretty much back to the start.
I know I want to have neons and white clouds in there I just need another fish in there that grows to a decent size for my 18G tank.
What about a type of gourami?
OK what i'm thinking of doing is:
Getting 6 neon tetras
Getting 5 black widow tetras
Getting 6 white clouds
Getting another Algae sucker (Otocinclus Factoid) to make a pair.

Would all of this fit in my 2ft 19G tank?
The tank will have plants and a cave I already have in there.
FuelPimp said:
Getting 6 neon tetras
Getting 5 black widow tetras
Getting 6 white clouds
Getting another Algae sucker (Otocinclus Factoid) to make a pair.
neons need a mature tank add them last
WCMM's are a sub tropical fish and therefore
the temperature requirements are lower

if you left out the WCMM's then yes your tank would be able
to accomadate those fish listed.
I already have a WCMM in there, maybe you have read in previous posts but my sister got me a present and it consisted of a silver shark (died by jumping out), a clown loach (i know itll grow really quickl thats why im planning to mve it to my neighbours tank[4ft]) and a WCMM. The WCMM seams to be doing ok, its been in there for 5 days and hasn't shown any un normal signs.

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