Recommended Diet


New Member
Feb 20, 2011
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Dudley UK
I’m currently feeding Tetramin Tropical fish flake daily to all my below inhabitants apart from one day a week when I feed them bloodworm.

- Assassin Snails
- Neon Tetra’s
- Pigmy Cory
- Harlequin Rasbora’s
- Mountain Shrimp

A couple of questions I have
1. Is there any better quality flake that I could be feeding them once the Tetramin runs out?
2. Are there any other specific food products that I could try to give my fish a more varied diet?
i cant imagine much makes it down to the pigmy corys, you might want to consider a pellet of sorts, i use a worm based one that softens in the water.
I'd recommend New Life Spectrum products for your fish, there are different varieties available, then I'd recommend cyclops, Daphinia and Brineshrimp as well as the Bloodworm.
I’ll start giving them a bit of variety with some cyclops, Daphinia and Brineshrimp.

Can anyone recommend an online supplier that stocks the New Life Spectrum products (pref with cheap P&P) as my lfs doesn’t stock their products?
I've done a bit of experimenting with food over the years. I've found that pretty much any reputable manufacturer's food is just fine for keeping fish healthy. Tropical flake food is formulated for a wide variety of fish, and Tetramin is a good one.

My cories used to like sinking shrimp pellets, and if you feed a little flake and while your other fish are eating that at the surface, drop a few shrimp pellets at the other end. The cories will find them.

If you are trying to get your fish in breeding condition, or you keep species with similar diets, it would be worth specializing their diet.
I got my NLS 1mm sinking pellets from eBay , off a seller who only sells high quality food, very reasonable prices initially I bought a small tub as a sample tester. There are many in the NLS rangeand are high quality. worth a try.
Almost any decent name brand food works fine. I use a couple of on-line suppliers to buy in bulk because I am feeding so many fish, but the quality in your LFS is fine too. Ken's sells nice food in bulk as does Floridaguppiesplus. Tetramin is also decent food. What you should really care about is matching the food to your fish. The cories and neons are primarily meat eaters, the rasboras are vey flexible in their diets and can do fine on a largely vegetable diet. I have no experience with assassin snails but suspect they would do best on a high animal protein diet.

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