Recommended Cory?


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
Hey All
My sister has fallen in love with cories and for her birthday in February will be getting some as a birthday present for her. But the question is what do you guys think is a fairly hardy good choice for her?

She has a 180 litre with sand and a barely stocked tank. Unsure what exactly is in there at the moment as they had an epidemic before christmas (finally sorted). They have mollies, guppies, gouramis, harlequins, a pleco and khulis I think.

She fell in love with the jullis but not having had these myself unsure (little nervous as she has had about 3-4 epidemics in her tank, mostly due to horrid fish being added - she has had lectures since so no more introducing bad fish!).

Locally can get Jullis, Pandas, Bronze, Peppered, Albinos, etc. She has turned down albinos and bronze as well as sterbai. But hoping to convince to perhaps peppered and pandas???

Thanks for any recommendations!

p.s. I now have habrosus, pygmy, panda, peru gold stripe, caudimaculatus and one tank left that may well take some, really loving cories and want one more species but dont know what!
hmph...bronze corys jump to mind! but that becomes a problem, ive no idea :hyper: why not get the peppered ones?
The julli are probably trilineatus|(false julli),they're fab i have loads :lol: also the pandas are fab little cories :good:
My pepper corys are so laid back, if they chilled any further they'd swim upside down! They're fab!

Do love my sterbai although they appear to have ADHD!!! Would love some pandas too. I love Corys - too many to choose...

Just buy her some peppers - they're great to watch
Cant get hold of my sister as we have both been really busy!! She needs to come for a showing of the pandas at my house, then will show her the peppers and julli/trill :good:

Have to say I like the peppers for
id say albinos are the way to. get them in a shoal of six or more but the amount has to be an even number so they can pair off

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