Recommendations For Test Kits Please


New Member
Jul 11, 2009
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I bought a kit from a local garden centre last year (and the kit and chemicals are all in date still) and have been worried recently as I had a few deaths (plec and a gibbi) and so I did a test and the nitrates showed to be sky high (like the 70-100ppm!!!) and I was really panicking and the lfs said to do 50% water changes every 3 days which I did and the nitrates were still high, about 50 ppm.

So lfs said to take a sample to them and my nitrates were fine, perfect, spot on and the deaths must just have been a coincidence but obviously the kit was dodgy.

So, I am now on the hunt for a decent, trust worthy test kit!

Recommendations and advice please!!

Get an api masters kit, and a tetra 6-in-1 test strips kit to back it up [strips aren't always 100% accurat but are rough guide]
I am getting the feeling that api are the way to go then!! (guess what i'm buying tomorrow!!! :good: )

Thanks everyone!
If your not desperate for your kit check out ebay, they're around £15 - £18. My LFS are £29.99. And API is one of the best if not the best test kit.
70ppm-100ppm isn't sky high for your nitrates. It's higher than you'd want, but by no means a cause for imediate worry. A quick water change will soon see it fall dramatically.
API kit for me to.

I would be a bit worried on the 2 deaths though, how big were the 2 plecs and what size tank?... plecs usually are the last to die from illnesses in general and specially common plecs like you had... coincidence for to plec deaths unless very young and small and possible under nurished (not saying they were but....death was casued by somethink) is IME very unlikely.

More info might help you out..... ammonia, nitrite and PH readings... tank size... how long has tank been running? and how was it cycled?
i saw a API testkit for £25.oo yesterday at a LFS is it worth it? or should i get it of ebay?
The API Kit is £29 in my local lfs but i got mine off ebay for £12 delivered thought was a real bargin and was brand new sealed. So its up to you but if you aint desprate then ebay is the best bet

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