Recommendations For A 35 Gal.


New Member
Oct 1, 2007
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I am thinking about all of these species, but in the end I will only choose a few that are compatible. Personal experiences with each species is loved as well as opinions and other good information.

Barbus gelius (Golden Dwarf Barb)
Barbus tetrazona (Tiger Barb)
Hemigrammus rhodostomus (Rummy-Nose Tetra)
Nannostromus trifasciatus (Three-Lined Pencilfish)
Crenicara filamentosa (Checkerboard Cichlid)
Papiliochormis ramirezi (Ram)
Pterophyllum scalare (Angelfish)
Betta splendens (Siamese Fighting Fish) (have one)
Trichogaster leeri (Pearl Gourami)
Trichopsis vittatus (Croaking Gourami)
Otocinclus affinis (Dwarf Sucker Fish)
Botia sidthimunki (Dwarf Chained Loach)
Telmatherina ladigesi (Celebes Rainbowfish)
Poecilia reitculata (Guppy) (have one)
Poecilia latipinna (Molly) (have one)
Xiphophorus maculatus (Platy) (have two)

Note: The ones I have live in a 5 Gallon tank currently.

Thank You!
for the most part, all you have listed can fit in your 35 g without a problem, however, the angelfish, and the cichlid are probably going to create havoc in there. the rams are a cichlid as well...but very peaceful. I would be careful about the barbs too...they are fairly aggressive as well....

I have a 35/40 gal tank with the following in it....

10 zebra danio
pearl gourami pair
dwarf gourami pair
red fin shark
4 emporer tetra
6 bleeding heart tetras
3 german rams
3 emerald cory
3 boesami rainbow
1 snail of some sort, very cool
8 various cleaner shrimp
1 clown pleco

All of my fish get along fine. I have some rock, sand substrate and plants in my tank

everything works great. im on the edge of overstocked but frequent water changes are taking care of that. one evey 2 weeks.
I have checkerboards and they are very peaceful. They sometimes "school" with my rummy noses! They kind of hang out with everybody actually even though they are supposed to be shy. I have a lot of plants though.

My rams (bolivian) recently spawned and were a bit territorial, but if you don't have a pair that is breeding, it might not be an issue. My angel is fairly well behaved, but every fish is an individual.

Good luck whatever you decide. Emperor Tetras would probably look really lovely with pearl gourami, but I don't have personal experiences with these.
I am getting the tank today:0 I am so jittery and excited I can hardly type. It is a 36 gallon with the stand and accesories for only $50(USD) I am getting it today or tomarrow and start to cycle it ASAP!
50 USD is definitively a good price! I paid more than a 100 USD on the tank alone!
I have pearl gouramis and otos, and love both species. Otos are always busy cleaning the tank, and the pearls are like royals; they keep order without making too much fuzz!
From my limited experience I would advise against the rams in a new tank. I added two a few months ago and they didn't last the week. I checked all of my water stats, did a water change 2 days before I added them and was doing checks constantly and everything was looking good for their arrival.
They're quite fussy with their water conditions so I would suggest only adding them if you're very confident that they will thrive.

On the other hand the Pearl Gourami is a very hardy fish and will do well. Just be careful about having more than one male (same or other specis of gourami) in a tank that size. It could cause problems.
litt;e side note from above.

Males: pointed longer upper fins
Females: more rounded shorter upper fin.

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