Recommend A Corydoras/aspidoras Species


Fish Maniac
Mar 4, 2005
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Can anyone recommend to me a small Corydoras/Aspidoras species that could act as a clean-up crew for my killifish fry tanks.
One slight problem my water params are 76'F, pH 5.6, TDS 20 = >1dKH
Is there such a species available to me that would cope with very soft acidic water as above.
Hmmmm Im not great with recommendations but any of the pygmy corydoras might do, slow acclimatisation and even better try to find some that have been bred in your area?
soft acidic water isnt a problem with corys and the temp is about spot on too. i think you could take your pick. if you want small then there are the pygmy species or pandas.
Hi BigC :)

You might not want to hear this but I'll give you the same advice I'd give any one who posts in search of a garbage collector. Get a snail. To keep corys healthy you need to keep them on a clean substrate and feed them the diet they require, not leftovers from some other kind of fish.

Corys also need well oxygenated water. Unless you have good surface movement in your fry tank, they will not do too well. Think of the conditions that promote bacterial infections and if any of them apply to your fry tanks, avoid corys.

Still, if you want to try it, dwarf corys, aspidoras, and pandas are more delicate than most, so you might be better off with full sized corys. The popular C. trilineatus (sold as C. julii) are close to the pH and temperatures you need. It's not as big as some either. Here's a link:
No Snail will survive under those conditions Inch.
Need a small catfish sp. shoal 3-4 individuals. There is water movement and it's basically to mop up uneaten newly hatched brineshrimp
Hi BigC :)

I've looked through the possible choices and think what you are looking for is one of the dwarf corydoras species like C. habrosus, C. pygmaeus , or C. hastatus. It might be different where you live but around here the aspidoras species are hard to find and tend to be expensive.

Of these, the C. habrosus can tolerate the lowest pH. PlanetCatfish suggests 6.2 to 7.2 for it. You should have no problem at that temperature and soft water is good.

Please let us know what you decide to get. :)
Cheers inch,
Which is the one out of the above three mentioned dwarf species that swims mid-water, I don't want that one for obvious reasons. made that mistake before.
Hi BigC, The Hastatus is the cory that mostly swims mid water. I have Habrosus, these are great little fish and mostly stay on the bottom of the tank.

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