Recomended Cory


Fish Herder
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
london UK
anyone reccomending any good corys cause i need to stock a sandy tank wow sorry but its snowin in london yehaw day off school
yeh its new its 110 lirtes lol i live withing walking distance but it stoped snowing and schools losed tomorow too lol wkd hehehehe i dont think the teachers can get in lol
peppered corys.... i ddont think ive seen them in the shop
i have a few questions as ivenever kept them b4
1. would they be good to keep a sand tank reasonably clean
2. how much do they cost
3. how many should i get to keep them happy they need anything special in the tank eg plants
5. what should i feed them
sorry im a total cory noob but im a bit curious
ps ive seen panda corys b4 they look cool are they recommended for a tank that is not new
and i would like to hav more than one spicies , is that ok
pygmy cories look nice, we have 6, but id love to have a few more. The are really small catfish that seem to love picking at surfaces.
Peppered Cories do better in a tank with cooler temperatures and Panda Cories are very sensitive.
Keep an eye out at your lfs to see what variety they have.

1. would they be good to keep a sand tank reasonably clean
They spend most of their time scavenging leftover food that other fish have left.

2. how much do they cost
Prices vary, anywhere between £1.50 - £10.00

3. how many should i get to keep them happy
They prefer to be kept in a group of 5+ they need anything special in the tank eg plants
I don't know that they necessarily need plants, although I do find mine sitting on the leaves sometimes! They do like some hiding places though as they can be a little shy.

5. what should i feed them
They aren't overly fussy! Mine eat frozen food, catfish pellets and flakes.

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