Recent Troubles

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Li'l Ole Fish Lady
Aug 31, 2003
Reaction score
New York
In recent days there have been some problems involving one of the members and I would like to take the opportunity to address it now.

Because he made some inappropriate posts a member was suspended. Then either he or his wife started a thread in this section to voice his objection and matters got out of hand. One of the Mods, who is a personal friend of his, later joined in. Things that were said in confidence among the mods were brought up to the members and false accusations were made. Some members believed them and posted what they surely thought were appropriate remarks at the time.

The time for all that is over. It's time to move on.

I personally apologize to you all for the drama that was brought into your day by my action. Please believe me that there was no so called "vendetta" going on. It's always been my policy to give any member the benefit of the doubt and some of you who posted here are members who I defended in the past, although you might not know it.

TFF has always been known as a friendly, family oriented forum, and will continue to be a place where all are welcome. The mods have recognized that a more uniform code for enforcing our rules is in order and we have already started to work to bring this about.

For the good of the forum, and for the peace and tranquility of all the membership, this subject is now closed. All future threads will be removed. Please post on the regular boards as you always did. There are members who need your advice and support, newbies to greet, and all the good things that have continued to go on here while this unfortunate matter has been taking place.
To add some clarification to Inch's post. If you'd like to extend personal goodbyes or have personal contact with any of the members, feel free to do so via the private message system. Public threads of those topics in this or other sections will be removed. We will do our best to not take disciplinary action if you fail to read this thread, post a goodbye anyways, and do so in a civil manner (we'll just remove the thread). As always, if you spam, flame, or troll in here, disciplinary action will be taken.

If you have a suggestion directly related to the events of this past week, seek out a moderator via PM.

Thank you
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