Recent Tank Pic!

omgsh :good: sooooooooooo nice :D my tank only has 2 tubes and 2 rocks ROFL :lol: ill try and get a pic
nice tank maybe i will get good like you one day

I have an 80 gal community tank, platys, swordtail and tetras. I just can't get the fry to live. been reading this site trying to get some info. One day i will get it right!!
nice tank maybe i will get good like you one day

I have an 80 gal community tank, platys, swordtail and tetras. I just can't get the fry to live. been reading this site trying to get some info. One day i will get it right!!

thanks ! you are on the right track !going here and researching is a really good thing to do :p
Nice, like the idea of this, a clump of red in a sea of green carpet, could look very cool once its filled out


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