Received "male #1" From Synirr Last Night!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
Carson, CA
It took maybe 4 days for him to arrive so I was pretty worried I was gonna get a dead fishy especially since it dropped to 50 F last night (there was actually snow in some parts of Southern California I heard), but I was relieved to find him alive (thought it seemed barely) when I opened up the package. I'm just a newb at receiving live animals in the mail I guess. =D

Note that I took this from my xanga, hence the severe lack of puncuation. =P

gee.. what could b in the package? live fish? handle w/ care? keep away from extreme heat? yea.. the post office really reads those things.. i was pretty sure my fish was going to arrive dead and when i got the package (4 days after it was mailed out) seeing as i saw this lifeless floating thing in the bag, but i shook it around a bit and noticed it was still breathing.. thank god!


spazzy (the larger red ~1 yr old petco betta in the tank) was pretty pissed to see another fish in his tank.. he was flaring at the new guy for quite a while.. he probably would've killed the new guy had i let them meet each other w/o a layer of plastic in the way..



here's a picture of spazzy before he got all pissed off about the guy who's gonna get him kicked out of his space.. out w/ the old, in w/ the new! haha~ i'm a horrible pet owner.


before anyone tells me that we've got way too many pets in the house.. just take a look at this cutey! ever since i joined that betta forum i've been a huge fish geek.. one of the members recently had a spawn and was giving away double tailed bettas (the ones you normally find in cups at petco are veil tailed bettas)--all i had to pay was shipping.. which was only $6.

here he is AFTER i took spazzy out.. yes, i replaced the spectacular home of my old fish for the new one.. don't worry.. i'll find a good place for spazzy (on my bathroom counter)--hey, at least he'll be close to his mommy (me)! =P he's such a tiny little guy compared to spazzy.. click to see full res! i hate how xanga sizes down my images.




actually, he looks like a little brown piece of poop after looking at these pictures.. he's really not a picture person i guess.. i love the stripes and can't wait to see how he looks when he's "all growed up."

i haven't picked a name for him yet, but he's been really skiddish since i put him into the new tank and he's got a copper brown tint to him, so i was thinking "skids"? haha~ help me pick a name if you don't want me to name my guy "skids"! =P

here's a picture i took of him this morning.. too bad the weather's been murky.. pictures w/ real sunlight are the best..


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Very nice! I'm getting a few pairs from Synirr's same spawn in a few weeks. Can't wait! Nice doubletail plakat you've got there. Though, I'm not soo sure he'll get too much bigger. He's a plakat, so his fins will all be smaller than you'd see in say, a veiltail, or non-pk betta Either way, he's a nice you'll enjoy for years hopefully :)

Ah good, he coloured back up for ya! :D
Is that a huge dint I see in the side of the box?? Holy crap, what did they DO to that thing? :blink: Thanks for paying attention to the huge red "FRAGILE" stickers, USPS.

Not to toot my own horn, but my juvies are tough little fellas; 4 days is nothing for them :flex:. I sent some to Canada who made it fine after a week in the mail, and another batch got lost in post after the hurricanes but arrived alive almost a month later!!
Aww! He is too cute! Synirr does for sure put out great boys and girls.

I have nearly given up on the post office. They can't be bothered to deliver to my door. They take everything to the apt. office and say I didn't answer, even though I am camped on the couch waiting for them, rather than in bed. Then I have to jump up, get dressed, and run over to the office to lug some box around. All the private shippers come to my door. It was different when I was in my house. I had been there 30 years. My local PO station knew me. Now they can't be bothered to forward my packages that get sent to the old address by mistake. :grr: :X
I love my mail person, she acted like she was holding thin porcilin when she found out there was fish in there. I told her that any of my packages that say fragile are fish. She said (this was mid summer) that she'd put the box by the airconditioner next time since the back of the van was hoooot! What a sweetie!

ps- when do we get more piccys???
Elise, what a cool siggie! Good going!

I have had some great mail people too, but I have had multiple problems since I moved. Even got bawled out by a mail deliverer for walking up to my box when she was puting mail in another box. I lost over $200 of fish this winter because they didn't bother to forward my mail. It was mostly my fault for not double checking the address the suppliers were shipping to, but the address change should have been a safe guard.

My post office station said to mark the box "Live Fish" with my phone number, the supplier was told not to do that because they wouldn't ship it.
What a lover you are, Skids. Congrats on getting a good home w/a loving Mommy.

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