Reccomend Me Some Nps

Yeah, but now you got me all excited about those few little NPS! lol But geez you are soooo right about dendros being expensive. Ya know, I just got a $200.00 credit from my pet store just for my elegance coral. When I bought it, it was the size of my fist---when I traded it for credit it was easily 12". But laying down $200.00 is a lot (imho). The guy who bought the elegance also purchased 4 other corals which had been mine and he spent $550.00. I hear ya when you say expensive. :( I want to say again, and please believe me, I truly meant no disrespect to you. It's just that keeping the water in check with no filtration is a recipe for disaster simply due to the size of the tank.
And thats why im not going to attemp it, just add them to one of my current tanks. And know expensive as well, i just spent 63$ n 3 corals! And small ones too.
I respect you very much for making that decision. Sometimes it's really tough to say, "I love this idea but it's just not gonna work, no matter how dedicated I am". You're going to have a challenge just keeping the water stable in a 10g. You know, one way to keep the nitrates low is to take the sun coral out of the tank, feed it and then put it back. Some people do this although I don't really like the idea because it's stressing the coral. But, it is an alternative and will keep your nitrates down. Regarding trying to make a tank work, I just went through this with the compatibility list for my new freshwater tank. I sooo had my eye on the German Blue Balloon Rams but I also want a betta. After reading what rams need for health---well, I just don't have enough experience at keeping the water soft enough and the rams would probably rip the betta to shreds. So, I had to decide because I simply cannot have both. The betta won along with rasboras and corycats. In fact, I think you're the one who convinced me I need more corys than I was going to get for them to be healthy and happy. :) I'm taking your advice because what they need is simply what they need! :)
Thanks for the help. :good: My main reef has been up for 6 months now, in fact, i have a journal in the Marine Aquarium Journals section.

Its good to help each other, I helped you, and you helped me!
Thanks for the help. :good: My main reef has been up for 6 months now, in fact, i have a journal in the Marine Aquarium Journals section.

Its good to help each other, I helped you, and you helped me!
Oh my gosh, most definitely and that's exactly what these forums are for! :) I'm glad I could help and there's no doubt you gave me sound advice. I would like to check out your marine journal. It's so exciting to start any of these tanks and so much fun to learn. Today I was at a pet store (sheesh, I've been hanging out at them a lot lately-- :fun: ) and was watching the little corys. They're so cute and fun to watch. They didn't have any really different rasboras except the little ones with the black thing on them (I think those are harlequins?) but I have time to research. I can't remember who told me about the espae (sp.?) but I would love to have those. Verrry purdy. Did you tell me about them? lol And you know what, they had a betta there that was almost completely white. Beautiful fish. Choosing a betta is going to be tough cuz they're all so darn pretty. I'm going to wait until I get the rasboras and then choose a betta that contrasts them sharply in color. And, yay, I got all of my plants in today and let's keep our fingers crossed that they all live. I would like to get a picture on here so people can evaluate for me; I'll have to wait till my 16 year old can take a picture with his Siri I phone :thumbs: because I'm technologically inept and don't know how to do it. :p My cycle is in the high nitrites stage and I don't know how much longer the cycle will take. I'm still adding ammonia so I guess it's a wait-n-see kinda thing. But, it is cycling! :- Hurry, hurry, hurry. lol
Espeis are much prettier than harlequins. Cories are great fun, the way they they are constantley grubbing in the sand! Whenever i go to the fish store, im always trying to decide wich coral to get. Its so hard! :lol:
Yes, the pictures of the espies are beautiful which is why I would like those. And yeah, those corys are pretty darn cute. :rolleyes:

Aaahhh, coral shopping. Oh my l :shout: WOO HOO Get out the cash and credit card and be willing to mortgage your house. :lol: Personally, I believe living rooms need 3 things: 1) Couch, 2) TV, and 3) Aquarium (well, and your child/cat/dog etc.) Who cares about the rest?!!! j/k

For me the hardest was expense cuz the ultra cool ones generally need the mortgage to your house (ie: to restate, my elegance sold for $200.00). Then there's lighting needs, flow needs, docile or aggressive, do I have the proper space for it, placement in the tank, etc. I recently was at the pet store (again) waiting to be helped. While there I was looking at the different reef tanks and this guy was going to buy a crocea clam and he and I started talking. He was going to put it at the bottom of his tank and he only has a very average amount of light intensity over it. I told him flat out that if he did that it was going to die because croceas live in very shallow water and get tons of sunlight. I told him to find a rock high up in his tank, where nothing could sting it, and let the crocea attach to the rock and it probably would do well. And, I LUV croceas, they are sooooo beautiful. But my point is, everytime I bought corals I needed to know exactly what it needed because I knew if I didn't meet its needs it would more than likely die. I am very partial to lps corals so that's where I would hang out. lol I also love them because although they're more difficult than softies, generally speaking they're a bit easier than sps. Except, however, many lps are aggressive and will wipe out anything near it as they compete for space whereas most sps can almost touch. Buying corals is like being in a candy store; I've often spent 3 hours just looking... :)

E-S-P-E-I-S why can't I remember how to spell that :fun:
I always spend at LEAST an hour looking at them. Its hard not too! The light i am getting soon is great, but 130$. Thats expensive. Clams, cant wait until i get my new light so i can getone, they are beautifl.
Ooh, I'm excited for ya! I just got my new light and love it (I had my marine light over my tank and without the halides it was putting out 130w. over a 30g.---seems a bit high to me---my new one is 78w. of t5s.) It really looks nice. What kind of light did you get? And yes, that's a lot of money for a small tank but we both know it's worth it! That would be so awesome if you got a clam, they're beautiful. Just make sure it gets the right flow---too hard and it will perish yet it needs enough to move the water so it can filter feed. And I hear ya about being in the store a long time, it's hard to leave sometimes. :lol: Off topic (sorry :unsure: ), but if you get time will you go read my post in the general discussion forum. Just tested my water and looking for feedback.

The title is Uh Oh :unsure:
I didnt get i yet, currently saving up for it.

And yes, ill go check your thread now. :good:
So, what light are you saving for? It's tough because there are so many nice ones!

And, thank you for going over to my Uh Oh post. I just read your response and wrote back. Geez we're awful chatty. :lol:
I guess so! :lol: speaking of that topic i just replied back.

And the light i am saving up for is the Marineland Reef Capable LED light, its a really good one, it will allow me to keep acros and other sps. :good:
Oh, LEDs are such beautiful lights. Wonderful blue tint, low energy consumption, loooooong lasting bulbs and great output. Congrats!!! (and a very nice choice). I was going to do LEDs for my freshwater tank but they are just too expensive. I spent $115.00 for my Current USA T5 as I felt that was nice enough for this freshwater planted tank. It's unfortunate we don't live near each other---I have all of my reef stuff just sitting right now and some of it I'd just give to you, or sell at a ridiculously low price. It's amazing how much stuff accumulates over the years. :rolleyes:

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