Rebuilding My Tank :)

I have only kept red spot, green, gold and rotkeil and out of all of them the Rotkeil is most placid.
*Hi Bonzo, long time no see :D
Wills said:
The Tetras are down to 8 now
gutted I really thought they would have been ok. Its just going to be impossible to catch them without stripping the whole tank down and stressing all the other fish out...
I think now my stock will look like
1x Spotted Severum -  Heros sp.Inirida
1x Threadfin Acara - Acarichthys Heckelii
1x Laetacara Thayeri
5x Cupid Cichlids - Biotodoma sp.Santarem
8x Lipstick Headstanders - Annostomus Ternetzi
20x Tetras - mix of Bentosi, Bleeding Heart and Black Phantoms - need to asses what to do in a few weeks...
6x Flagtail Catfish - Dianema Urostriatum
4x Whiptail Catfish - 1x Sturisoma, 1xLoricaria, 2x Rhinloricara
What do you guys think? Too much or do you think I could add some geos?
Well funny enough you revived this thread today Liam - Im going out tomorrow to get some Geos, not sure which ones yet but the place Im going has lots in stock!
In bad news, my FX5 has sprung a leak last night so just about to go out and get an new FX6 :(
Got the FX6 yesterday (big thanks to Maidenhead Aquatics for price matching!!) And I got 4 Tapajo red heads today from Lincs Fish :)

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