

Fish Fanatic
Jan 20, 2007
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In February my house was flooded in a storm.We took alot of damage and the house was open to the elements for about 12 days.We had to move out for awhile so we could fix the house and make it all good again.The day after the storm I went in and rescued all the fish besides 8 glowlight tetra that took the cold hard out of my 75 gallon.Somehow all the rest were fine and live to this day.I was able to give most of them to a nephew who has a tank,and found a friend to hold on to the rest until I'm back up and ready.We have been back in our house for awhile now and everything is almost back to normal.Finally got everything gathered up and ready to go last week,ordered my plants Tuesday,set up the scape yesterday and planted today!Sucked to lose all of my old plants,mostly the java fern that I've had going for more than 4 years,but it was really cool to get to do a complete rebuild and I had alot of fun doing it.

Here are some scape pics



Planted up,it's cloudy and needs a little tweaking once things settle.Lets see how I do on the cryp melt.I think it'll be cool once it grows out a bit.



6 x Anubias barteri
2 x Anubias minima
9 x Cryptocoryne wendtii(red)
6 x Cryptocoryne wendtii(green)
4 x Cryptocoryne wendtii(bronze)
6 x Microsorium pteropus
10 x "red jungle val" Vallisneria
1 x Nymphaea zenkeri

I order from was more than happy with everything except the java fern,the portions were really skimpy and I wasn't able to cover that wood like a wanted right off.Other than that everything was great,they sent more that what I ordered on everything else and it arrived in great shape,well packaged.I'd order from them again but not any java fern.
Not sure how I'm going to like the's really wide,I'll let it get longer and see how it looks before I figure if I want to keep it or go with a skinnier family member.
Thanks for looking,I'll post back when everything clears and settles,and again far off when things grow out some.
Wow it looks great! When it starts to grow in it will look lush, once the valis grows in and gets taller it does get thinner in my experience let it fill in a bit and see what you think maybe?

Glad things are sorted for you after the floods, did you manage to save the filters? I guess that would be the biggest nightmare with a tank.

What fish do you have waiting to go in the tank now any plans of what you want to add?

Thank you.Aye,I am going to wait and let the valis grow out before I change my mind.I was not able to save the filters....really sucky to have to start that again but I have a few friends that I can nab some media from to get me going.

All I have waiting to go in the tank is 4 Spotted Raphael cats,and 5 oto cats.I am getting 2 SAE at some point,and I have been checking out rams,and I also have liked Tiger Barbs but have never been able to keep them because of my previous stocking.I'm still looking and open to suggestion,I tend to like smallish fish so I can keep a busier tank without having the fear of my plants being moved to much or destroyed.

Also I forgot to mention that I have another nice piece of wood to place on the back side of the stump,just to the right of the big anubias to bulk up and fill out Java Fern Mountain.The Raphaels are sleeping in it at my friends tank atm.
what about somee form of tetra? you could have quite a few brighly coloured tetra like neons which look nice darting round the tank?? Just a suggestion? :hyper:
mmm,no tetras I've had them before and I'm trying to end up with a different stock than before.I ended up putting 8 tiger barbs in last Saturday,I'm happy with them and they seam very happy in their new home.I think I may get my SAE's in this weekend,and my cats in next weekend
Everything is going very well.I only had two leaves melt,and 3 or 4 leaves turn yellow,the yellow ones I think were damaged while planting.Most everything is rooting well and I've had good growth.The cryps in the 2nd and 3rd pics looks really good and has started a number of new leaves.The valis was slow to root for some reason and it just started to show any growth on the leaves.I can't wait to see how it looks in a month!
Here are some plant pics.




The barbs,they sure are hard to photograph.


From the hall end.

Right side

Left side

From the chairs


Here are some update pics.Had a little setback a month ago with losing my light timer and being away and coming home to a bad algae problem.All is much better now.I still haven't got my ferts and carbon going yet,just half doseing ferts with 6 hours of lights on for now.

Still don't like the valis,it doen't fit/fill out enough and won't in the space I have for it.Going to change it out for either another small java fern wood,or some more of the reds.
Let me know what you think.



Here are some update pics.Had a little setback a month ago with losing my light timer and being away and coming home to a bad algae problem.All is much better now.I still haven't got my ferts and carbon going yet,just half doseing ferts with 6 hours of lights on for now.

Still don't like the valis,it doen't fit/fill out enough and won't in the space I have for it.Going to change it out for either another small java fern wood,or some more of the reds.
Let me know what you think.




Looks great! :good:

Can i ask what the plant is in the top left corner please?
Thanks alot guys.
The tall "grass" plants Jenni84? 10 x "red jungle val" Vallisneria.They are not red on account of me having low lighting I think.I'm getting rid of them soon,too bad your not close you could totally have them.

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