Reasons For Not Contributing?

Firstly, I only read maybe 2-5% of all the posts, since most of the post titles look uninteresting.

Then, I only respond with either no one else has or I feel someone has posted a mistake, or incomplete information. Oftentimes, I don't really need to add anything, since the other members have done a more than fine job answering questions.
I try and reply to someone if i think i can help. mostly i cant tho because im still relatively new to fish keeping.

as for people not replying to someone whose asked a question thats been asked before, but they didnt use the search to find out.... i dont agree with that. i think 90% of new posts have been asked at least once before, but if they didnt ask again, this forum would get too quiet.

Im sure next time i need to know something, i could spend ages searching through old posts from months/years ago, or i could ask the question more specifically to my needs, and get an answer. Someone might have a better response to my answer now, than they would have had 1 year ago as they are more experienced.

Anyway, back to the topic. If i know the answer, i will reply. I feel good if i can answer someones question!
i dont post because im still a very young beginner and i have nothing really to contribute....i just read other peoples posts and try to learn from them
I don't post mostly because I rarely am able to get to a computer now that I've moved. Therefore I try not to waste my time on things I don't know about, don't care about, are the same thing that crops up here every three days or the writings of idiots.
I dont post if
I dont know the answer
it has already been answered and I have nothing to add
Its an argument thread which I know I have something to say but dont want to say it
Its a thread where someone wont take the advice thats given
I am about to logg off
My child wants me

Other than that I will add to alot of threads even if its im sorry I cant help, i hope you get help soon or good pics or good luck and such like.
I often can't be bothered if the post will require a lot of time and attention and I know no-one will take any notice of it.

If others have already answered I will often leave it as well.
seems like many of you have the same basic reason for not posting. you get annoyed by answering the same questions so often. no this has nothing to do with my GSP post, I just wanted to know some of the different reasons people have.
Isnt it common sense?

If i put an adveristment about a car for sale in a car magazine, not everyone who sees it will put an offer in will they?

Most people are reading because they want too know the answer too. Others dont have time or cant be bothered
this can be the end of the thread if everyone is getting bothered by it's existance. I certainly don't want that to be my reputation. I just thought that it would be interesting to read.
Yeah, I always post topics which have probably come up before, but people are usually nice enough too reply too my newbishness (word?) :lol:
i either have nothing useful to add, or i think i might hurt the posters feelings :lol: most of my posts are sorta mean(but they are true) and i dont want to get bashed, like when i say trying to save sickly fish by buying them is stupid because the store will just buy more if they know that somebody will buy poor quality sick fish.
Most often I won't answer if I don't know the answer. After that would be a more common question that others can answer. Some people get off on that post count, and I'm sure some who are becoming more knowledgable aquarists enjoy being able to answer some questions.

Other cases involve being in a hurry, skimming topics & doing a sort of triage. Someone with a fish swimming belly up takes precedence over someone considering a filter upgrade.
Most often I won't answer if I don't know the answer. After that would be a more common question that others can answer. Some people get off on that post count, and I'm sure some who are becoming more knowledgable aquarists enjoy being able to answer some questions.

Other cases involve being in a hurry, skimming topics & doing a sort of triage. Someone with a fish swimming belly up takes precedence over someone considering a filter upgrade.

that's one of the most sensible reasons I've read yet.
Personally I used to read for personal interest, but with no account. Once I had an account i started answering though.

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