Time I guess.. for people who know alot about anything, they could spend their whole day answering questions. Thats not me by the way, i spend more time asking them
For others it may be what the person is asking.. if somebody has taken no notice of any of the FAQ's or perhaps not even attempted to search previous threads, some people find this frustrating.. I must admit, im guilty of not using the search facility enough.
This makes people more picky about what they spend time answering. I know some people will act and respond quicker if it is in tropical emergencies and requires quick answers.
What can be annoying though is when you see the attention that argument threads get when you are desperate for help.... but, i think it comes down to people enjoying arguing on forums, and not knowing the answer to your problem.
At the end of the day, its up to them if they post or not.. I just try to remember the daft questions i asked when i started out, and the daft questions i still ask
, and try to respond to people as i hoped people would to me then. I feel that some people act a little high and mighty with their comments, when they only found out the answer last week.. There is always a nice way to say things. It does make me wonder how much of the advice is fact sometimes.. or whether an element of chinese whispers takes place
Just my 2p anyway..