Reasons For Not Contributing?

SLC Flyfishing

Fish Crazy
Apr 18, 2006
Reaction score
S.L.C. Utah, U.S.A.
I just thought I'd ask! But what are everyones main reasons for not contributing to a post?

I will usually post unless I have no valuable info to give. But some people always have something valuable and yet won't post, I'm just wondering why! so tell me your reasons, it'll be interesting to read, and kinda ironic if noone posts to this!
Time I guess.. for people who know alot about anything, they could spend their whole day answering questions. Thats not me by the way, i spend more time asking them ;)

For others it may be what the person is asking.. if somebody has taken no notice of any of the FAQ's or perhaps not even attempted to search previous threads, some people find this frustrating.. I must admit, im guilty of not using the search facility enough.

This makes people more picky about what they spend time answering. I know some people will act and respond quicker if it is in tropical emergencies and requires quick answers.

What can be annoying though is when you see the attention that argument threads get when you are desperate for help.... but, i think it comes down to people enjoying arguing on forums, and not knowing the answer to your problem.

At the end of the day, its up to them if they post or not.. I just try to remember the daft questions i asked when i started out, and the daft questions i still ask ;) , and try to respond to people as i hoped people would to me then. I feel that some people act a little high and mighty with their comments, when they only found out the answer last week.. There is always a nice way to say things. It does make me wonder how much of the advice is fact sometimes.. or whether an element of chinese whispers takes place :D

Just my 2p anyway..

If something is not in my area of specialty, I won't post. Also, if I've answered the question too many times and the same question keeps popping up, I won't post, since I tend to become crabby if I've answered the same question a dozen times. I tend to get crabby anyways. In addition, if the question has already been well-answered, I don't see how much more I could contribute. Finally, if I can't understand the post because of abbreviations, chat-talk, or poor grammar, I won't answer, because that also makes me crabby. I'm fine with some mispellings, my spelling's not that great and we're all human, but when words are reduced to just a series of consonants and codes, I get crabby.

Well there you have it. My answer. See, somebody did post in your thread! :good:
But some people always have something valuable and yet won't post, I'm just wondering why! so tell me your reasons, it'll be interesting to read, and kinda ironic if noone posts to this!

If they don't post, how do you know they did have anything valuable? ;) They may feel it's been said already and that they can't add anything.

Time is a big one for me- to start answering a long topic (like explaining cycling or calculating somebody's stocking ratio), I need to know that I am going to have 10 minutes of interrupted time to myself- not always that easy if you're looking after kids or supposed to be at work or whatever.

Also knowing that other people are more expert. For instance I (praise be and touch wood!) have relatively little experience of diseases and medication, so don't often feel I can contribute to that. I know little about bettas, nothing at all about big predators, very limited on the barbs and loaches, never kept a shark, totally ignorant about brackish- that's a whole load of subjects that are automatically off-limits.

And I sometimes avoid threads if I feel they are going to turn very argumentative-I spend enough of the tax payers money on blood pressure medication as it is!

And yes, I too have yielded to that feeling that I really can't do one more post on whatever-it-is just now. But most posts do tend to get answered by someone, so it usually works out.
I won't post if:

I don't know the answer !
There has been a very good reply/replies
There are only a few replies and to support a view
I open the topic and am actually not that interested / bothered !
The post doesn't actually ask anything
generally I don't reply if I don't know the answer

sometimes there just isn't time to put a proper response up

or if loads of people have said what I would I won't bother..... but if just one or two people have said it I might agree, just gives a bit of backup, I'd think twice about taking the advice of just one person on the net, if I can I'll try and wait until a couple of people have confirmed it.

sometimes the topic just isn't of interest to me so I don't bother.

Not fussed if the questions are easy or have been asked before, but I'm a newbie round here, maybe I'd feel differently if I'd heard it all 20 times. We all started somewhere and I know I still have a lot to learn so I try and be nice to others. It can be a bit intimidating sometimes when you ask a genuine question and everyone jumps down your throat like you should automatically know it all, we all make mistakes or are given duff advice, at least if someone's on here asking they're trying to find out :)
I look in on this forum and another one most days and read a lot of the threads but I don't post very often. I am a fairly quiet person anyway and I suppose I come onto the forums to learn as much as I can and feel that there are people out there with much more experience than me. If I think I can be helpful I will post.
I have a very interesting perspective to share about this subject but I just can't be bothered right now.

I won't post unless I feel:

I don't know the answer !
There has been a very good reply/replies
There are only a few replies and to support a view
I open the topic and am actually not that interested / bothered !
The post doesn't actually ask anything

i agree
If this is regarding your green puffers post and if they can breed in captive conditions, I dont know whether they do or don't.

I adhere to the same reasoning as Bloo though, if I don't know an answer, or can't offer advice, I won't.

It is considered bad practice and rude to post the same question in multiple forums though.
If the post is badly written i tend not to read them and therfore dont answer.

If the post involves small community style fish i dont reply because there are enough other people to reply to that without me having to stick my 2 pence worth in as well.

If ive had previous dealings with the poster and found them to be ignorant prats i dont read their posts.

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