Rearranged the tank.


New Member
Jun 20, 2004
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Melbourne Australia
Here is the latest pic of my tank, I have added a fake log,rearranged the plants, and got rid of the skull.
The log is a good size, and the "kids" seem to like it just as much as the skull.
The babs, just love hiding under the "arch" of the log, and just rest.


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I'm not a fan of plastic vallis, but they look nice in a screen like that. A nice, clean simple tank. Well done!

What fish are in there?
Very nice! Like SirMinion said, very clean and simple. I like it, and from the sound of it your fish do too, and thats what matters. :thumbs:

Let me guess what kind of fishies you have!!! :p Umm, Guppies, Gouramis, Platies, Black Neons, Tiger Barbs, and Serpae Tetras...and possibly a White Skirt Tetra??? Am I right?? :p
Arashi said:
Very nice! Like SirMinion said, very clean and simple. I like it, and from the sound of it your fish do too, and thats what matters. :thumbs:

Let me guess what kind of fishies you have!!! :p Umm, Guppies, Gouramis, Platies, Black Neons, Tiger Barbs, and Serpae Tetras...and possibly a White Skirt Tetra??? Am I right?? :p
You are right so far in your guess of the fish in the tank.
There are also moss babs and mollies.

Here is some info for you and a few others who asked
about tank and the fish population.

92L tank
residence of the tank are,

1 Sailfin molly
1 Dalmation molly
2 other mollies (orange & white)
4 tiger barbs
6 moss barbs
3 black neons
1 gold gaurami
1 Serpae Tetras
1 platty
1 blak widow?
i had real Vallis,IMO looks ncier then fake but urs looks good

nice tank :nod:

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