Really Neeeed Help With My 75 Gallon Stocking!

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Fish Fanatic
Dec 4, 2011
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so i have some ideas for a stocking and tell me what you think.

4 angels(2 black 1 koi, 1 half black- or just 2 blacks and 2 koi)-are angels less agressive in schools?
2 bolivian rams male and female
1 german blue ram
1 golden ram
1 female kribensis
7+ praecox rainbowfish
1 male flame dwarf gourami
9 cories
4 albino cherry barbs(not fin nippers)
7 glolite tetras
6+ lemon tetras
and 3 swordtails

how would this work out. again 75 gallon- 48 inches in length
Angels would be better in a group of six plus. Drop the blue and gold rams, they need much higher water temperatures 82-86 degrees. Raise the number of cherry barbs to six or more and you should be good. I might considered leaving out the krib also. If you want more dwarf cichlids go with a trio of apistogrammas.
Do you recamend anyapistogrammas? Like what your favorite? And are they all peaceful? Which one this the most beautiful?
Here are my thoughts on it

4 angels up to 6, color morphs do not matter, that's your own personal preference
2 bolivian rams male and female
1 german blue ramas said, like higher temps and are also rather fragile, drop them
1 golden ramabove
1 female kribensisdwarf cichlids, though not schooling fish, do best with others of their species, as they're still social, similar to live bearers. however, keeping a male in the tank with the female will likely result in them breeding, and when they breed they get aggressive, best to drop this as well
7+ praecox rainbowfish
1 male flame dwarf gouramiI'd honestly drop it, dwarf gouramis are kinda fragile these days, and it wouldn't really fit in with your other stock imo
9 cories some evaluations on cory choice would be nice, though I'd suggest julii or sterbai cories
4 albino cherry barbs(not fin nippers)up to 6 or drop them completely, though I think cherry barbs can be kept in pairs or trios, it's better safe than sorry
7 glolite tetras best drop them imo, they stay pretty small and may become snacks to either the boisterous rainbows or angels when they're adults.
6+ lemon tetras
and 3 swordtails

I'd suggest a stock kinda like this honestly
6 angelfish
6 bolivian rams
15 lemon tetras (should be safer than the glow lights due to their wider body)
15 julii cory catfish
2 keyhole cichlids

keeping schooling and social fish in larger numbers rather than the group of 6 minimum will promote better activity and color, which is something I personally have not seen while keeping them in the minimum requirement.

I also find rainbowfish to be pretty nippy and boisterous, which imo makes them unsuitable for angelfish tanks. You might be able to try neon dwarf rainbows, though.
Praecox = neon dwarf.
I disagree in that glowlights tend to grow large enough to avoid becoming food for angels.
I personally like all apistogrammas and find them to be less aggressive than most other cichlids.
I think the glowlights will work too, cuz people have kept neons with Angels with good results. I'm gunna try the rainbowfish because I already have them.
I already have the majority of these fish.
So, let's talk about the angels. I can get up to 6 and not have any problems? What happens when one pairs off, will they become really agressive?
I also love the Idea of the apistrogrammas so I will get a trio or them.
And I've never had a German blur ram so I think I will just give it a try. Even tho you guys don't recamend it!:)

If I add 1 angel at a time will they get agressive? Or start with 1 and then get 2 or 3 or the wrest at one time
Praecox = neon dwarf.
I disagree in that glowlights tend to grow large enough to avoid becoming food for angels.
I personally like all apistogrammas and find them to be less aggressive than most other cichlids.
I thought praecox were the big yellow ones :blink:

I think the glowlights will work too, cuz people have kept neons with Angels with good results. I'm gunna try the rainbowfish because I already have them.
I already have the majority of these fish.
So, let's talk about the angels. I can get up to 6 and not have any problems? What happens when one pairs off, will they become really agressive?
I also love the Idea of the apistrogrammas so I will get a trio or them.
And I've never had a German blur ram so I think I will just give it a try. Even tho you guys don't recamend it!:)

If I add 1 angel at a time will they get agressive? Or start with 1 and then get 2 or 3 or the wrest at one time
if you already have the angels now and they have been in the tank for a while, adding more may cause territorial disputes with the new comers. We tend to keep angels in groups of 6 to disperse aggression amongst the group, but if you have adult angels that aren't fighting, leave them be. It's usually best to add all of them at once.

I'm heavily going to advise against the german blue rams. There are a lot of fish I don't keep for a reasons, and the reason is that they're not suitable for my water quality and don't easily adjust. German blue rams are one of these fish. There's a big difference between trying out a new fish that fits your water conditions and throwing in a fish that doesn't necessarily work in your tank and hoping to god it stays alive for more than a few months.
Fine I won't add the German blue ram:) and right now I only have 2 black angels in a 38 gal. But want to move them along with new ones(roughly all the same size tho) in my 75 gallon
What apistos would be good? Are they agressive? What about when breeding?
Fine I won't add the German blue ram:) and right now I only have 2 black angels in a 38 gal. But want to move them along with new ones(roughly all the same size tho) in my 75 gallon
What apistos would be good? Are they agressive? What about when breeding?
pretty much any apisto to my knowledge would be fine, and they aren't too aggressive when breeding. How big are the angels you want to move? make sure you add all of them at once. If the two are adults, try to get angels of similar size as them.
Hopefully I'll be able to find a store that has a breeding trio!
And my 2 angels are prolly a 50cent piece with just the body. I've had them for a couple months. But they aren't adults, I will deffanitly add them all at once!
I redid my stocking a bit! And also have a few questions!
So my 75 gal stocking will be..
2-6 angels- I'm not sure what number of angels will lead to less agresstion between angels and other fish- how many would you have?
2 Bolivian rams
A breeding trio of some kind of apistogramma- what kind would you get?
6+ Lemmon tetras
6+ dwarf neon rainbowfish(praecox)
4 albino cherry barbs(trying to find more to buy)
6 platties
10 cories(5 albino 5 juli)
2 albino brisltenose plecos
1 male dwarf gourami
I redid my stocking a bit! And also have a few questions!
So my 75 gal stocking will be..
2-6 angels- I'm not sure what number of angels will lead to less agresstion between angels and other fish- how many would you have?
2 Bolivian rams
A breeding trio of some kind of apistogramma- what kind would you get?
6+ Lemmon tetras
6+ dwarf neon rainbowfish(praecox)
4 albino cherry barbs(trying to find more to buy)
6 platties
10 cories(5 albino 5 juli)
2 albino brisltenose plecos
1 male dwarf gourami
you can have 1, 2(breeding pair), or 6+ angels, the group of six will keep them from soloing out one other angel and picking on it too much, and will keep their aggression spread through the group, until they settle their pecking order in which they'll just peacefully shoal with each other. I'd personally get 6.

I'd also bump the cories to 6 albino and 6 julii, if you really want to have to schools instead of one big one. the albinos and julis will not school with each other, and that one extra cory in each school does make a difference.

Make sure that you get a male and female bn pleco, they're easy to gender, males have bristles, females don't. two males will fight. I'm not sure about 2 females. However, keep in mind that my male BN pleco makes more of a mess than all of my fish combined. When he's not in the tank, the sand is clear of poo, totally clean and beautiful. When he's in the tank, you can see clumps of poo everywhere, and he's only 2 1/2 inches long. I can't imagine having two would be fun, honestly.

I'd personally get apistogramma borellii, but really, it's all up to your personal preference in color and flashiness. Other commonly found apistos are cacatuoides and agassizi (spelling?), but there are loads of species in trade.
I think having 6 angels would be really cool! And just to make sure, any kind will be ok. Not just with the the other angels but with the small fish to? I think I heard altum angels where more agressive? Is this true?
I like the half black, black and koi angels
I'm worried. If I get 6 angels I'm guaranteed 1 pair probably even 2. Won't thy get super agressive to all fish when they start to lay eggs?

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