i have 4 platys and 2 corys in a 10g and for some reason the tanks gravel is realllly dirty. the water looks clean, not foggy, and the water nitrite, ph, etc are fine, but when i vacuum the gravel, sooo much crap comes from underneath it, like the amount of a big pinch of food in each couple of square inches... it looks horrible when i vacuum, lol
is it the platy's that produce this much waste? i was thinking it could be the rocks, i have the small type river rocks, about 1cm square, and a tad bit larger. do u think the food falls through the gravel gaps.. i dunno why but maybe
is it the platy's that produce this much waste? i was thinking it could be the rocks, i have the small type river rocks, about 1cm square, and a tad bit larger. do u think the food falls through the gravel gaps.. i dunno why but maybe