Really Dirty Fry Tank

eaglesaquarium said:
Liv... It would seem that the shrimp that you had were not 'ghost shrimp', but likely misidentified 'macrobrachium hendersoni'  (sometimes also called 'red claw shrimp')  As juveniles, these can easily be mistaken for one another and we've had members fall victim to this.  Incidentally, all the members that I've noticed that have this problem were in the UK... so there might be something to that.
True... I think it's actually really hard to get true ghost shrimp in the UK, and imo anyone who has smaller fish should just not buy any 'ghost' shrimp to avoid the risk :/
Also arielsworld, is the fry tank a fairly new tank (only a few months old or less) & is the algae you have a problem with brown, rather than green, & growing on everything - glass, ornaments, plants, etc.?
It's not brown no. And it it is fairly new. A few months. It's mainly white. Not really green. And it is growing on everything. I have just been doing vacuums every week now. Now that they are big enough for me to clearly see them. It seems to help. I'm hoping as they all get older they will help take care of the problem as well. Seems how my adult ones like pecking at algea.
Hmm not sure what that is.. Hopefully someone else will! I was just going to say that whenever I start up a new tank I always get this brown algae on everything as the tank is establishing but then it goes away once the tank has matured, maybe this is something similar?
Liv, you are describing diatoms.
No this is white and stringy and kind of hairy in places. So I think it's algae.
Yeah it looks like it's on there. It says it might be because of amonnia spikes. But I don't have amonnia spikes. So idk. I just have to clean all the time I guess!!

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