Ready to have her babies?

February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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Ok. The ammonia is going down fine. The female guppy has moved from the corner and is back down the bottom with the other fish. I think my algae eater is pregnant though.. I noticed she's got quite a big belly. Could it be some sort of disease, or just pregnancy?
Can you get a pic is it like a lump and how much do you feed it cause if it's a lump it could be a tumor
I'll try and get a picture.. I'll be back in a sec, hopefully she'll cooperate.


You can see her up in the left corner by the rock.
Oh and as for food, I don't feed it anything special. I'm assuming it just eats the tetra flakes I give to my other fish, and the algae of course.
pudgy otto......sometimes they gorge themselves.

If I ever posted a picture of what my pim cats look like after a meal of bloodworms you'd think they're going to explode.
Amphitrite said:
Okay I'll test the waters when I get home, I have to go to work right now though. I'll be back in three hours or so. Bye.

Edit: Got my date messed up, don't have to be at work for another couple hours.

Test stripes cost like 25$ for three here so I try not to waste them but I'll go do it again. Here are the results pH is 6.7, Ammonia is 0.14, nitrite is 0.0, nitrate is 21, temp is 25 º C. Those are normal, arent they?
Since you're in canada heres a link to Big al's canadian site with what you should buy. you'll get litterally hundreds of tests out of this kit;pcid2=
Gorge? Lol ok.

As for Big Al's, my mom doesn't trust using her credit card online. :/

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