Ready For My Fish On Wednesday


New Member
Apr 26, 2007
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:D :D cant wait for my little fishies to come home B) had my rio 125 on cycle for five days now and everything looking fine even bought a hydor ario color blue aerator pump looks mint behind me live rock looks just like moonlight coming in my temprature is between 24 and 26 c any suggs on what the best fish for me to put in as i want to do this right and not jump in at the deep end lol regards stef30 :hyper: :good:
Best fish would be platties or some danios really. Bear in mind there still isn't loads of bacteria in the filter just yet, so you would only want 4-6 really. Platties would be the best bet. :good:
congratulations on your fish and your promotion i have a lot of time for roy keane !!!! (and im not a man utd fan)
no fish today as ph was to high so had to put a lump of bog wood in to bring it down at least thats what i was told :crazy: :crazy:
Yeh LR is for marines not freshwater!

:D :D cant wait for my little fishies to come home B) had my rio 125 on cycle for five days now and everything looking fine even bought a hydor ario color blue aerator pump looks mint behind me live rock looks just like moonlight coming in my temprature is between 24 and 26 c any suggs on what the best fish for me to put in as i want to do this right and not jump in at the deep end lol regards stef30 :hyper: :good:

Cycling can take up to the best part of two months. How are you cycling your tank?.
Cycling can take up to the best part of two months. How are you cycling your tank?.

Correction - FISHLESS cycling can take the best part of two months. Pointless in my view.

cycling with fish can take even longer, seen a few threads in beginners where someone's got a load of fish, half of them die in the first week through ammonia/nitrite poisoning they're left with just 2 danio's and it takes months and months to cycle, and even when it's done it starts again when you add more fish sometimes :rolleyes:

however you choose to cycle your tank i'd say your looking at a minimum of two weeks, however there's so many factors that can affect it it's impossible to say how long it will take.
Cycling can take up to the best part of two months. How are you cycling your tank?.

Correction - FISHLESS cycling can take the best part of two months. Pointless in my view.

cycling with fish can take even longer, seen a few threads in beginners where someone's got a load of fish, half of them die in the first week through ammonia/nitrite poisoning they're left with just 2 danio's and it takes months and months to cycle, and even when it's done it starts again when you add more fish sometimes :rolleyes:

however you choose to cycle your tank i'd say your looking at a minimum of two weeks, however there's so many factors that can affect it it's impossible to say how long it will take.

I agree it can ages even with fish if you add loads of fish in one go. Just building it up slowly and cycling with fish can take 3 weeks tops. Or even better, adding live bacteria (I don't mean the crap off the shelves like cycle etc.) and you have instant! Just £5.50 for 100litres of water (using bactinettes) - allows for full stocking straight away.
shameless plug :p


there's pro's and con's to every method i've used (which in reality is all i can speak about with any certainty), people have to make up they're own minds what they're priorities are and whats the best way to reach those.

i have heard good things about bactinettes, tempted to try some, however i want less tanks not more. maybe one day if i've got time i'll do an experiment cycling a spare tank with them.
...i'll do an experiment cycling a spare tank with them.

Well you don't really 'cycle' a tank with them because they allow instant stocking. If you didn't add fish at the same time, then the bacteria would die and cause Ammonia spikes! I really don't understand why people would want to wait 2 months and have an empty tank when they can fully stock in one go! But that said, they can be hard to get hold of.

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