Fish Crazy
I'm planning to put the remaining hatchets in the comunity soon because i think my relatively poor water conditions in the quarantine have mor eto do with the 2 out of 4 dead ones than anything they came with. I can change water more often or get a bettter filter for the 10 g on my dresser, but I don't think the hatchets will fly out the hole around the filter in the comunity and I think they'd like it in there. I think the loaches would like it a lot, but I think they would be harder to see and might eat too many babies.
I've admired colies for a long time, and think they would have a ball swimming in and out of my ceramic ornaments, so I got one to try it out, and might get more later. I also got a yoyo, thinking they might hang out together, and because fishes with naturrally occurring writing on them are just too cool. I made my dad ID all my new critters using my books because he didn't believe me a few weeks ago when i told him there was a fish with the word "yoyo" on its sides. Later I told my brother to reach in and move the treasure chest because I had lotion on and see if he could read my fish. his wife and I had to clarify that he needed to actually lift it up to read the yoyo because he was trying to read the coolie and said it moved too fast.
So anyway, I've got these 6 hiding ghost shrimp that I think I'm ready to put in my algae ful guppy tank, and I think the remaining hatchets really want to go to the comunity, and if I wnat , I can put the frog in a critter keeper, but then I still have to decide if the loaches are moving to the comunity or staying where they are for a while. My gold fish are big enough to eat them, but the comunity and the guppies all have pretty small fry. One of the guppy tanks just had new fry a couple days ago and the cories have kids about every month from 3 or 4 months ago down to christmas eve, so they're pretty tiny and hanging out mostly in the gravel and under things, right where the loaches would be. Then there are the apple snails that just hatched around new years. I think loaches love to eat snails, don't they? It would be great if they would just eat the pesty species and leave most of the apples, but I don't think that's likely.
Should I risk the loaches in the comunity or plan on keeping the 10 gallon clean enough for them to stay there for the long term?
So far the yoyo is always hiding under the treasure chest axcept for some brief excursions, presumably to look for food at night and defend his territory a little. The coolie squirms all over more often and sometimes plays hide and seek with the frog behind the sponge filters, but I can't say I've definitely seen either of them actually eat. I think they do it when I'm not looking.
I've admired colies for a long time, and think they would have a ball swimming in and out of my ceramic ornaments, so I got one to try it out, and might get more later. I also got a yoyo, thinking they might hang out together, and because fishes with naturrally occurring writing on them are just too cool. I made my dad ID all my new critters using my books because he didn't believe me a few weeks ago when i told him there was a fish with the word "yoyo" on its sides. Later I told my brother to reach in and move the treasure chest because I had lotion on and see if he could read my fish. his wife and I had to clarify that he needed to actually lift it up to read the yoyo because he was trying to read the coolie and said it moved too fast.
So anyway, I've got these 6 hiding ghost shrimp that I think I'm ready to put in my algae ful guppy tank, and I think the remaining hatchets really want to go to the comunity, and if I wnat , I can put the frog in a critter keeper, but then I still have to decide if the loaches are moving to the comunity or staying where they are for a while. My gold fish are big enough to eat them, but the comunity and the guppies all have pretty small fry. One of the guppy tanks just had new fry a couple days ago and the cories have kids about every month from 3 or 4 months ago down to christmas eve, so they're pretty tiny and hanging out mostly in the gravel and under things, right where the loaches would be. Then there are the apple snails that just hatched around new years. I think loaches love to eat snails, don't they? It would be great if they would just eat the pesty species and leave most of the apples, but I don't think that's likely.
Should I risk the loaches in the comunity or plan on keeping the 10 gallon clean enough for them to stay there for the long term?
So far the yoyo is always hiding under the treasure chest axcept for some brief excursions, presumably to look for food at night and defend his territory a little. The coolie squirms all over more often and sometimes plays hide and seek with the frog behind the sponge filters, but I can't say I've definitely seen either of them actually eat. I think they do it when I'm not looking.