Read This


Fish Herder
Nov 27, 2006
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i read this and i think its cruel.what do you guys think?

Kirsti Hanna, June 15, 2006
Your article 'Housing Fighting Fishes from Thailand' is one of the most depressing, cruel things I've ever encountered. Encouraging people to keep bettas in tiny bowls? Showing photos of bettas in such cruel, little plastic bags? Do you really find this suitable? It makes me sick.
This 'article' begs to encourage cruelty towards these beautiful creatures. I implore you to change it and encourage people to find their fish more humane housing.
owner of over 30 bettas, who all live in FISH TANKS (imagine!)
A: The small bowls are temporary homes. The plastic bags are shipping containers. LA

Shin Shien, September 27, 2006
On your keeping bettas page, I read the complaint from Kirsti Hanna, and I disagree. I keep well over 100 bettas, and they live 1 per quart mayonnaise jar. My bettas have never enjoyed living in even a 5-gal tank. 1 male living in a mayo jar breeds 4 times per year. Tell me, was he not healthy living in the jar? BTW, I clean their water weekly.

A: I agree with you. Once you see one of the Thai betta farms with 10,000 bettas living in fifth size whiskey bottles, you know that very few bettas are captured from the wild. I keep ours in even smaller containers. They're still happy enough to build their bubble nests. LA

what do you guys think?
I am now very annoyed cant believe people do this :crazy: :crazy:
not happy shal we keep these people in a small cupboard and clean it out once a week so they sit in a small space on their own poo!!!
This is BS dude! I've already gotta 10 gal US for the betta I'm getting! JESUS H. CHRIST, I almost cried when I walked into the fish dept. at my local Wal-Mart (anti-christ superstore j/k) But I found the conditions that they kept the fish in almost brought me to tears!The irony is 50 feet from the PET fish dept. is the FISHING dept. Weird huh? I personally think that those bastards in blue vests are trying to scare the poor fishies to death.They're irresponsible and idiotic in the way that they handle the fish's conditions.I saw DRAGON KOI in the same 10 gal (cruel bastards) with Orandas,whom have had their eyes gulped out by said DK.But Back to my main concern,The bettas!I noticed that one of the cups had a capacity label on it and it was no more than your standard coke can...16 oz.I yelled at the fish guy who could have won a Kurt Kobaine Look-a-like contest easy.The guy was ripped out of his head so I took over his job for 15 min while went out back and blazed up then when he came back I went to the manager and informed of Tommy Chong Jr. activities while on the job and saw to it he was fired or I would get PETA on their sorry asses!Needless to say,I got his job part time. :shifty:
That's just terrible.
That person who says they have over 100 bettas obviously doesn't know diddly squat about them to even suggest that they aren't happy in a 5 gallon. What a load of horsecrap. Just by what they said you can tell they never even tryed putting their bettas into any 5 gallon tank.
God.. some people.....
That's just terrible.
That person who says they have over 100 bettas obviously doesn't know diddly squat about them to even suggest that they aren't happy in a 5 gallon. What a load of horsecrap. Just by what they said you can tell they never even tryed putting their bettas into any 5 gallon tank.
God.. some people.....

I know GRRRR :devil:
i dont know if this is true for most pet stores but the one i volenteer at keeps there betas in with non agressive fish, they seem very happy and there have been no problems with the betas attacking other fish. i hate the places that keep there betas in shot glasses
alot of pet stores only keep there betas in about 6oz of water

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