Re stocking 125l


Fish Crazy
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Jul 16, 2023
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As some of you may be aware in having some problems and lost some fish

I’m not sure what I am doing with the larger tank yet

But looking to restock this 125l once I have the problems sorted

Currently I have

4 mollys
9 corys
3 Cardinal tetras
1 bn pleco
7 bh tetras
1 adf frog

What do people suggest for restocking once in ready

I am aware that I need to get the cardinal numbers back up
I will try and contribute as well, but so others can suggest, are you still against live plants? It's okay if you are, it just might help people to know.
I’m not looking to have any I’m not really sure on what to do with them etc

So I would say no for the moment
I managed to put a stop to that from my local fish shop they are quiet good there and they were fine about it,

I think I might just stick with the 125litre until the new year
I think I could do with getting abit more experience with the smaller one and getting abit more understanding of everything before going bigger
We need your hardness before we can make suggestions. I know it's in your other thread, but it would be helpful to post it here so we don't have to go searching for it :)
Nitrate - about 10 ppm, which is good. WE should try to keep tank nitrate below 20 ppm.
Nitrite - zero. Good, nitrite should always be zero in a tank.
GH between 0 and 3 dH. This is very soft water so you need to keep soft water fish. Hard water fish will suffer in this hardness.
KH is also between 0 and 3 dKH. KH is a buffer which stops pH changing so it affects fish indirectly.
pH around 6.4, maybe a tad higher


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I think a couple of buddies for your lone ADF, I can't remember how many of each of the others you had before but if you liked what you had maybe more of the same?

Edit - you have a similar size tank to me, I'm wondering if overstocking may have contributed to the issues you've had? I know you've lost quite a few but can't remember how many you had originally.
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I know you tried to rehome the mollies before, but at your water softness, the mollies could become a future disease magnet if they are not already, because their immune system is probably not going to function as it should. A lot of fish store mollies probably aren't the strongest anyway, but you then add soft water to the mix, and it's my understanding problems will come. Your water is not only soft, but very soft it seems.
With your water being so soft, you could expand your tetra collection, but if I was you, if you don't want live plants, you should consider extra driftwood, and have you ever heard of "leaf litter" Matthew? I have it. Without live plants for shade and cover, you could go down the tetra route, but try and add some tannin colouration to your water and make the water just slightly darker to suit the tetras. Not sure if this would be your cup of tea. You could try for a more natural looking south America tetra set up.

Out of all the fish you have kept, what are your favourites and why? Might help us with suggestions.
If the smaller tank is going to be it, I would not at this point add anything, but when all is resolved, the cardinals can be increased. Keep an eye out for good floating plants, this is still something that would help you here. I would not add more frogs, most members will advise not combining them. And, is a QT in the offing, to prevent what occurred here from repeating with any new fish?

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