re:platy is missing!!


New Member
Mar 4, 2004
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I have got 1 angelfish,2 kribs,1 neon tetra,1 serpae tetra,1 sucking catfish, and a bristlenose catfish.Also 2 platys(the male is the one that went missing!!) I have checked on the ground in the rocks every where!! It couldnt jump out of the tank because Ive checked every where around it!! :( :/
If it died, the pl*co probably ate it. I would check the water paremeters to see if it was the cause. I wouldn't want you to lose your other fish too. If it jumped out, then I would still check your water parameters. Fish normally don't jump out of the water unless they don't like the environment, ie. bad water.
I'd have to disagree with crazie eddie on this whiteskirt tetras jump all the time....and apparently that is quite common for those fish. my other fish have never jumped and my water is not bad. Platies can jump too (I have seen one of mine do it once....during feeding time).

But for the platy die and be eaten by the pleco without even knowing about it seems odd to me...I mean...perhaps because I watch my fish so just seems odd that you wouldn't have seen the dead fish first as it needs to be rotting quite a bit before the plec will eat it.

But for now it looks like he has gone :byebye:

More likely was that he jumped and an insect in your house carted him off for their food...either that or ate it on the spot. Are there any gaps were he could've jumped out?

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