Re-Modeling My Tank


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2004
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Well i wanted to re-model my tank. It has a brownish gravel bottom with an exterior filter with two bubble stones for extra O2. It was assorted green plants and three collored plants. 1 skeleton with rum drinking action.



I was thinking of taking out some plants and puting in some wood and sticking a bubble stone in it. Also is sand compatable with a bottom filter? Oh yea i was also thinking of adding white graven instead of the stuff i have now... to make my tank look brighter.

ps- tell me what would look cool also.
That would be a good idea to add whit gravel. Do you have flourecent lights or incandecent?? I would also get some either rocks or wood, would look quite good. What i like and I didnt really take a good look at what fish you had but bubble wands or the tubing that has little holes for little air bubbles would look nice. I wanted those but havent got around because I already have enough stuff.
A lot more gravel would give you the impression the tank was wider. I like lots of gravel, piled up in natural waves along the bottom of the tank. Maybe scooped up into one corner at the back even. It gives the tank a "deeper" look.

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