Re-Do Of My Tank


Fish Crazy
Oct 26, 2010
Reaction score
Cambridgeshire, UK
It's been a while since I posted on this forum as really, I've had the fortune of not having any major (or even minor) problems with my tanks.

Anyway... my tank is currently looking quite shabby as the plants have gotten old and mauled by the bristlenose and Severum that inhabit the tank. Tomorrow (20th December)I am going out to buy a new external filter (Eheim Ecco Pro 2036) and have decided that it's best to buy some more 'stuff' to put in there to make it look nicer ready for Christmas.

This is where you come in: I have no idea what I'm going to do with it - I like natural looking setups with mainly wood and rocks (and plants which I need advice on as my plant knowledge is very limited). The tank is 240 litres (120Lx40Wx50H) and contains:
1x Severum (4"),
1x Blue Acara (still small),
2x Cryptoheros Cutteri,
6x Congo Tetras,
4x Bristlenose.

Thanks for your help and suggestions.

(Photos or links of tanks that you've seen or own would be appreciated as they will help me)
Hi, I just posted this youtube link on another thread, but thought you might find it interesting too since this chap is a talented aquascaper who works mainly with wood and rocks. Click on the vid and check out some of his other vids too for some ideas and inspiration.
Enjoy the new filter. Eheim = awesome :)
with a Sev in the tank, I'm not sure any plants will be suitable as they do love to rip them up.

The type of scape Hermithall has posted above would be very suitable.....and also something I want to replicate some day.

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