Rd Fin Cactus Pleco

Sounds like we're singing from the same hymnsheet Darkstar - hope to share more experience/knowledge with you in the future. Maybe after the pain relief for this killer sore throat kicks in :lol:
That was fun :)

Good advice came out of it though - and thats the point.

Anyway... All I can says €30!! Wow - Nice Price!

We have 3 of them at the moment - 1 to keep and 2 for sale :)
The are a fantactic plec - we paid quite a lot more for them to say the least.

We bought them at about 3" - they are actually growing quite well and are just over 4" now (we've only had them 3 months)

Beautiful beautiful beautiful plec :wub:

No room in my inn now, and I've got the L203 volkswagen panaque, otherwise I'd have snapped him up and walked to yours to get him :hey: :lol:
God better create a bigger house while he's on then as 2 x 6fts in your living room kind of rules out other tanks! *lol*

nonsence... our biggest tank is in our kitchen (the trigon 350)... then there are the bedrooms... and the office... and the... :lol:

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