Here are my findings on owning a razorback musk Turtle
Agree or disagree but here they are .
They are almost entirely aquatic even with crawling access to the surface it spends 23.5 hours under the water per day
they are social in my opinion and much prefers a tank with an active environment than a empty calm tank
they are compatible with fish the only time it’s involved in aggression with a fish it’s on the receiving end
They eat ... anything spending 20£ on a pot of “turtle food” was completely unnecessary as it much prefer a fluval cichlids bug bite
They do prefer slow moving water as they are not so strong swimmers a will walk and crawl where ever possible
Not spending much time out of the water a UV basking lamp isn’t required as long as kept indoors As most houses are kept in the 20-30c temp anyways
After a short owning period I have decided to keep the turtle named squirt in my 500l fish tank rather than its newly built expansive turtle enclosure as it’s much happier and active in the tank , these finding may be premature or exclusive to a specific but these not much info on these turtles on google and this maybe helpful to somebody who has acquired an unexpected razorback turtle .... (turtle is one inch in size )
Agree or disagree but here they are .
They are almost entirely aquatic even with crawling access to the surface it spends 23.5 hours under the water per day
they are social in my opinion and much prefers a tank with an active environment than a empty calm tank
they are compatible with fish the only time it’s involved in aggression with a fish it’s on the receiving end
They eat ... anything spending 20£ on a pot of “turtle food” was completely unnecessary as it much prefer a fluval cichlids bug bite
They do prefer slow moving water as they are not so strong swimmers a will walk and crawl where ever possible
Not spending much time out of the water a UV basking lamp isn’t required as long as kept indoors As most houses are kept in the 20-30c temp anyways
After a short owning period I have decided to keep the turtle named squirt in my 500l fish tank rather than its newly built expansive turtle enclosure as it’s much happier and active in the tank , these finding may be premature or exclusive to a specific but these not much info on these turtles on google and this maybe helpful to somebody who has acquired an unexpected razorback turtle .... (turtle is one inch in size )