Rays or plecs?

pica_nuttalli said:
there's no walmarts in england

Actually ASDA is owned by Wal-Mart, but thankfully there doesn't seem to be any intent for ASDA to emulate their American counterparts.
Just adding my thanks for the links, spotted these little critters the other day in the LFS and was after some info, I think I want one!
Would they behave with a fighter do you think? we have an algae issue in his tank -_-
Hi dylema,

I wouldn't put them with a fighter simply for the fact that they need some serious water movement to be happy and oxygen rich waters. Even if you have your fighter in a filtered tank and not a bowl the filter would have to be on fast and the fighter would get its fins shredded by the fast water movement. If it is in a bowl there would not be enough oxygen in it for a hill stream loach to survive.

Hope this helps

For the algae issue you have i would go with a japonica shrimp or two or an apple snail.


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