Rays or plecs?

Mar 17, 2005
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When i was looking around watermart the other day, i saw a tank full of very odd looking fish but had no label on the tank as to what they were and i would like to find out more about them and see if they would be suitable for my new tank im hopefully getting in a month or so. They were definatly babys/fry and were only an inch or less long, all i can describe them realy as they resembled a ray of some sort and were black with tiny spots but rather reminded me of a pleco in many ways, anyone now what i could be talking about :dunno: ?
what color where the spots?, never seen baby ray's but always thought they where bigger
Was it these:


I know the colours are wrong, but is it anywhere near?
Just do a search for Hong Kong plec / Hillstream Loach / Borneo sucker and there is masses of info right here. They are fish best suited to strong cool currents and do well kept with goldfish - they are not freshwater tropicals and will soon die if kept in warmer waters.

here and here is some more info about them :)
Thanks for the links, i have now gathered there are 4 types of hillstream loach;
Spotted sucker-Gastromyzon punctatus, Sinogastromyzon wui, Spiny-headed hillstream loach-Gastromyzon ctenocephalus, and Borneo sucker-Gastromyzon borneensis. Apparently they had the spotted sucker hillstream loach at watermart and that they can by kept at low tropical temps/high cold water ones like 20-25degrees, which is pretty cool for me as my tanks stays around 24degrees all year round unless theres a heat wave ;) .
Thanks for the help everyone :D .
Hi tokis,

I have 3 different varieties of hill stream loach living in a tank which stays around 24 degrees. They are in with corys and are really cute at feeding time as they sit on top of the pellets and try to keep the corys off them. They have a sand bottom tank with river rocks and change colour if they move from one to the other.

I also kept them years ago with goldfish and didn't have much luck. I think they prefer the warmer temp and strong filteration. I have had mine for over 2 years living like this. The ones with bands across them seem more teritorial and often chase the others around the tank. My banded ones are 2 and a half inch, both the spotty kinds are 3 inch.

Beware if you have a filter which has to be lifted out of the tank to be cleaned. Mine have a habit of hiding underneath then leaping off when it is lifted out and scaring me to death. They go a near black colour when hiding on the filter.

Hope this helps


p.s you won't be disappointed if you get some they have great little characters.
Thanks for the info, i asked some people at watermart if they have them in often and they said yes so they'll most likely have them in a month or so time whne i get my big tank- if i do get them i'll take into consideration they leap alot when stuck to things you are trying to clean :) .
they also need a LOT fo flow and cooler water. this basically elimanates most fish that would go good in a biggish tank. also havent you yet learned to NEVER EVER buy fish from walmart. i mean if u want to introduce ich and every toerh disease known then go ahead and buy them
certain (American) members keep misreading it as Walmart... (members that include me; every time i do that, i keep thinking "there's no walmarts in england...???? " :lol:)

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