Ratty And Dwarf Hamster?

i use shredded paper from my moms work its free :good:

those pellets work well by can be expensive and not sure about bananna chips i never heard of those


They are dried banana slices.

c'mon people surely more than one person keeps rats? :lol:
I use shredded cardboard - IME this is the best bedding for the rat's wellbeing and my nose!
I then use newspaper in the beds and paper-based cat litter in the litter trays.

Anything wood-based is generally not advised due to the phenols (although hard evidence on this link is not that easy to find) - but I just think of when I go into a horse's stable with wood shavings - it's horrible. I end up with a blocked nose and runny eyes because of the dust in the air. I wouldn't want my rats to live in that so I don't use it. I have also found that when I put rats on wood shavings, they do seem to be more prone to respiratory inflammatory conditions.

The dwarf hamster thing - try it and see - do not allow them too close as rats will stretch their little legs as far as possible to try and grab things they want outside of the cage! Also, if your rats start 'fuffing' at the hamster and fluff out like a hedgehog, I wouldn't kept them side-by-side as your rat clearly has taken a dislike and this will stress both cages!
Be aware that a rat would naturally kill mice/hamsters so it has the potential to be stressful. That said, it does depend on the individual animals :)

Oh, and you can use banana chips as a once weekly treat - be aware that high sugar/fat diets have been linked to tumours later in life and high sugar diets have been linked to facial abscesses (which are pretty much unresolvable in rats) so be careful to avoid the temptation of feeding them too regularly. Fresh banana will be just as well received and better for them :)
Uh i dont know what the cage is called or even where we got it from, we used to use it for out ferrets years ago so i gave it a good clean, its 6ft high and about 3 ft wide and deep with 4 floors (incl base) ill try and find a pic of it.

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