i always took this forum to be very friendly and people are normally open with advice and help.
im offended by how rude you have been! all i ask is a simple question and you respond with a simple no which does not give a reason.
Well you had been informed of this topic on this same forum by several knowledgable keppers on another thread, in fact i would not be completely surprised if said thread were still on page 1. Thogh it was probably not alright for fishy to get so frustrated so quickly, im pretty sure that when a vast majority of this forum tells you that it wont work, it probably wont work.
Your polite response is this, if you add a male to your tank of females i can garantee you that all of them will be killed or wounded. This is not speculation, its been tried many times before by experts and newbies alike, but with very little sucess. thogh a betta community would be a fantasicic sight, splendins are not the right fish for it. There are a few other betta species who can survive comfortably together and readily breed in captivity. Im sure if u research teh subject you'll be able to locate some.
Good luck <">>><