Ratio Of

It's already been pointed out to you, several times, you are not going to get the answer you want. Want a bloodbath, with every fish dead, injured, diseased or all three? Go ahead, their funeral.
im 100% new to bettas and have researched as much as i can! i am making sure i get it right so i look after what i get the best i can!

i always took this forum to be very friendly and people are normally open with advice and help.

im offended by how rude you have been! all i ask is a simple question and you respond with a simple no which does not give a reason.

oofeeshy youn really oughta learn some manners and be polite it does not cost anything!


i understand a mle and female cant og together but dont understand why. if a male and a female cant go together how are bettas ever bread?
Manners don't come into it. There is a perfectly good other thread where you've asked whether you can keep a male with females, several times you have been told 'No'. So why ask again? My original answer still stands, in laymans terms, they'll all kill each other. The females might kill each other even with no male.... Even when breeding under a carefully contorlled environment, there's still a chance of one killing the other. Breeding is a different kettle of fish alltogether....

all i ask is a simple question and you respond with a simple no which does not give a reason.
No reason is needed......
Breeding can be a complex thing. You can't have them living in the same tank 24/7 as they will fight and kill. For spawning they first are conditioned then a spawn tank is used but you don't just dump them in together and hope for the best. You're best off reading about spawning in pinned topic at the top or elsewhere on the internet.
I don't suspect anyone was meaning to be rude, it's just a question that gets asked a great many times and, like anything when repeated over and over it gets dull.
i know i asked question before i just couldn't get my head round why they copuldn't be kept together.

thanks missdibdabs that was all i neeeded to know.
Yes, sorry Laura but females together only and even then they can get agressive

Males on their own

Bettas are complex fish and as you say you are new to them so search the FAQ section on Bettas and hopefully most of your questions will be answered.

If you can't find the answer in there then just type your question in search on the betta section and hopefully that will be helpful too
like they said... breeding bettas isn't any fun. i mean it can be, but there are still risks even for the most experienced breeders. i would keep your 4-5 females in a tank by themselves and a male in like a 1 gal by himself. they all will be happy. i wouldn't suggest you try breeding them unless you have read all of the FAQs in the pinned section and understand it FULLY. after reading the FAQs and you still have questions please feel free to ask.

as for the rudeness... like Miss Dib Dabs said, some questions are asked a million times (no exaggeration) and some people who have answered the same question several times kind of gets a little exausted from it. it probably wasn't anything perso.nal
To elaborate on the subject... male and females in their wild form can be kept together, but bettas like you buy in stores were line bred for thousands of generations to produce hyperaggressive fighters long before they were ever bred to be pretty, so even in the ornamental fish that aggression is still there. This is why they cannot be kept together. They were made unnaturally aggressive by their breeding.
To elaborate on the subject... male and females in their wild form can be kept together, but bettas like you buy in stores were line bred for thousands of generations to produce hyperaggressive fighters long before they were ever bred to be pretty, so even in the ornamental fish that aggression is still there. This is why they cannot be kept together. They were made unnaturally aggressive by their breeding.

not my thread but i learned something new. so if i got bettas from the wild, or even from a spawn from those that were from the wild, i could keep a tank with both males and females being happy together? that is awsome!!!
Awww! You beat me to it, Synirr!

Neverbegone815, check on Synirr and wuv's spawn threads about their wilds kept together. Babies galore! I think there might be some rules develop there about the females wearing out after a while. :lol:

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