Fish Addict
hi all, have a 45 litre tank that i am hoping to put 4-5 females bettas in. can i put in a male aswell?
i was wondering that well sort of.. is there any sinerio you can have m and f?i understand a mle and female cant og together but dont understand why. if a male and a female cant go together how are bettas ever bread?
No reason is needed......all i ask is a simple question and you respond with a simple no which does not give a reason.
To elaborate on the subject... male and females in their wild form can be kept together, but bettas like you buy in stores were line bred for thousands of generations to produce hyperaggressive fighters long before they were ever bred to be pretty, so even in the ornamental fish that aggression is still there. This is why they cannot be kept together. They were made unnaturally aggressive by their breeding.