Rasboras being odd


Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne
Every now and then my copper rasboras keep doing this odd thing where one of them will look head on at the glass like he is looking at his reflection and then start shaking his tail vigorously and then the others will rush over to join him and then the all swim over to that part of the tank and then swim backwards and forwards quickly near the glass shaking their tails for a while until one of them wanders off elsewhere. What on earth are they up to? Are they shaking their tails at their reflections? Are they ill? They never do it at any other time than when they are close to the glass. I don't know if I should be worried or not. They seem fine otherwise. Water parameters are good and they are eating fine.


Are your harliguins parallel to the glass. My harliquin raspora seem to get in a grove of swiming downwards parallel to the glass really fast, mainly before feeding. Once one starts, the others join. lol :p

I dont think they are sick, its probably a reflection, or they have come to notice you outside the tank. U only notice it when your there! ;) And no harm will come from it. It probably is caused by being stuck in the confides of a fish tank 24/7 and the fact that they are not being stimulated.
Yeah they do that at the same time as shaking their tails. It must ba at their reflections then, phew, good to know my fish are ok! If they are a bit bored I'm not sure what I can do to entertain them though. I will have to think about it.

Thanks v much!
Thats alright! Always happy to help a little! :D Add some real plants and the like swiming around in them! :p

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