Rarer bettas.

Not quite looking for anything so much as contemplating a purchase. Unfortunately I do not have the funds to buy bettas or the like (need to renovate a tank first) and I lost my part-time job last month. Need to find a new job, get the tank taken care of and then worry about the fish.

All that I'm interested in is the rarer varieties, i.e. crowntails. I don't think that any of the stores I frequent carry these specimens.
Crowntails huh?

If u want crowntails I know a guy who gives them to me for 5 bucks
i know our petsmart (where i work) just got in a shipment of nothing but crowntails on thursday. check your petsmart-i believe most of them get in the same things around the same time. ;)
i was a bad girl and took four home seconds after we got them in the cups... :D
Chicago Aqaurium and Pond has nice Crowns and Half moons.

Old Town Aquarium gets CTs, Halfmoons, and the occasional twin-tail.

Suburbs- Old Orchord Aquarium had a good selection last time I was there.

You can get lucky at Petco with Crowntails.

What stores do you frequent? :dunno:
My main supplier of fish is Petsmart. they have nothing here.

As for $5 bettas. Can you give me contact info, Joker? Thanks.
tempestuousfury said:
My main supplier of fish is Petsmart. they have nothing here.

As for $5 bettas. Can you give me contact info, Joker? Thanks.
What do u need temps?

Yeah also what cometcattle

Also cant forget ^#*&$ They got 2 dollars CTs

Not very good one though also they get Deltas now! :hyper:
Do yu have pics of these varieties? I don't trust a google image search. :no:

Two dollars does not sound very steep, but I have had three bettas so far and two of them have gotten either ripped fins or fin rot (mixture or either/or). It seemed to have been caused by the filter, though it was on low. I don't feel right placing them in a dual betta hex (w/o divider). Once I get that sorted out...

But first, pics and info. Much obliged. :D
What do u mean pics?

I dont have the bettas right now

But u tell me what colors u intrested and Ill find the closest.....
An enterprise with such potential and you keep it a secret. Tsk tsk. :no: :lol:

Oh well. Something dark. Blue-ish, though dark. I don't like the purple and red ones offered at Petsmart. :no: Next in line comes red.
That place isn't even listed in any of the Chicago phonebooks. :shifty: :lol:

It's in the Bucktown - Wicker Park area if you want the address you will be forced to answer a series of riddles. :shifty:

Just kidding :lol: , if you want Joker or I will PM it to ya.

I just counted. 8 of my 14 bettas are from there. :whistle:
It can be hit or miss, but 1.99 plakats and CTs rock.

WOO-HOO! The Cubs just got out of the 9th inning! We go to the 10th in Gotham. :hyper:

EDIT: Cubs win!!! 2-1 in 10 innings! 1 game lead in the Wild Card race ! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

And we shall celebrate with the feeding of live blackworms to all my fish.
Starting with the bettas that are named after Cub Greats.
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