Rare & serious (human) disease linked to fish tank

I work barehanded & bare armed in my tanks all the time. A friend sent the link. Probably too rare to worry about, but interesting.
I always wonder about the similar articles appearing in such a case.

The same wordchoices, sentences, etc....

It is a very valid concern. There have ben individuals who contracted TB from fish in an aquarium, so other diseases are not that unlikely to be transmittable. It is usually suggested that you are OK if you have no open sores/wounds. You could wear surgical gloves. And always wash your hands with soap after having them in the fish water.
I always wonder about the similar articles appearing in such a case.

The same wordchoices, sentences, etc....

Think they pick it up from same sources . Done all the time. Here, many newspapers & online info like mags, blogs etc owned by same conglomerate. Doesn’t reflect on validity of story.
Think they pick it up from same sources . Done all the time. Here, many newspapers & online info like mags, blogs etc owned by same conglomerate. Doesn’t reflect on validity of story.
But one actual, genuine story, suddenly becomes several and everybody goes 'Oooooooooh! There must be something going on, etc..' ;)
It is a very valid concern. There have ben individuals who contracted TB from fish in an aquarium, so other diseases are not that unlikely to be transmittable. It is usually suggested that you are OK if you have no open sores/wounds. You could wear surgical gloves. And always wash your hands with soap after having them in the fish water.
Makes sense. I bought gigantic tongs so as to limit paws in water. But often I simply dive in.
When I first started with fish, Dad made me aware that it is possible that somethings could pass from the tanks to me, and just make sure to wash your hands after playing with fish. I have always done that. Never thought it was a thing really, I wash my hands after playing in the garden as well.
When I first started with fish, Dad made me aware that it is possible that somethings could pass from the tanks to me, and just make sure to wash your hands after playing with fish. I have always done that. Never thought it was a thing really, I wash my hands after playing in the garden as well.
Wise Dad!
Well, let’s see, I’m almost 67 and have been a fish hoarder probably 60 of those years and I have never gotten anything from the tanks, that’s not to say it cannot happen. Even when I found out my brother and his idiot friends were catching tadpoles and putting them in wine jars full of mud and pond water and I rescued the poor things and turned them loose at the pond behind our house, I didn’t get as much as a staph infection. But, I did get coccidiomycosis from fossil hunting on shark tooth hill in CA, and cellulitis from a really bad case of poison ivy I got looking for fossils on a shale dump in southern AR. In WY, I slid down a hill belly first and waited to go get stitches and that turned out pretty badly for me. I think if your tanks are clean and you keep your filtration system in good shape, and wash your hands and arms before putting them into the tank before and after, you should be ok.
From a Biochemistry point of view. You add Water, Heat, and Animals and you basically have the environment to grow everything nasty known to man.
Yes, it is so! Look what emerged from my deepest darkest tank!

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