Rare Fish's Rare Fish Profiles ~ All of my fish profiles/articles and more ~

Macrostoma Betta/Borneo (or Brunei) Beauty
Beta Macrostoma

View attachment 152444

Size: 4"
pH: 4.0-6.0 (acidic, but can tolerate PH of 6.5)
Tank size (in gallons): 20g bare minimum
Country of origin: endemic to Borneo
Diet: Omnivore and predator. Will accept frozen foods
Temperament: best in pairs, or solo. Fish that will not intimidate it such as loaches are fine)
Nitrate: <30ppm
Salinity: N/A
Fished for: No
Status: Vulnerable
Harmful to humans: Harmless


Betta Macrostoma is a rarer species of Betta in the aquarium trade. They are expensive, and hardcore betta-enthusiasts will keep and breed these fish. Fry will need acces to warm air to develop labyrinth organ. These fish often inhabit slow-moving water along rivers and streams. These fish live in shallow water. These fish have an interesting courtship. The male will aproach the female with mouth agape and fins showing. Females often direct their flank towards the male, and will gape and flare in response. Males will often eat eggs. Males grow much bigger. They grow larger in captivity.

Found rarely in commercial stores.
Sooo beautiful!
Respect for all the work you've done...! 👍

This fish is one I have and will make a large article about them later on.

Gymogeophagus Terrapurpurra


One of my most dominant gymnogeophagus terrapurpurra

Size: 4"
pH: acidic and neutral are best. Will tolerate quite a range.
Tank size (in gallons): 30g minimum. Recommend 40 breeder or more.
Country of origin: Uruguay
Diet: zooplankton, microinverters in the wild. flakes and pellets in captivity
Temperament: best in pairs.
Nitrate: <30ppm
Salinity: N/A
Fished for: No
Status: Not Evaluated, but suspected Least Concern
Harmful to humans: Harmless


These fish will tolerate most water parameters. They were discovered in 2016. They are spread throughout Uruguay in many different areas. These fish like yearly drops in temperature. During the winter, this species will eat very little. They are best kept in tanks with a layer of sand, and many plants including topwater plants such as Water Hyacinth and Duckweed. A unique behavior done by juvies is spitting sand at one anothers face. They are best kept in groups for when they are small, and seperated into pairs later on. Almost all Gymnogeophagus Terrapurpurra sold are of the 'Rio San Juan' variety. These fish can go in waters 50 degrees and under, and up to 85 degrees or more.
Wrestling Halfbeak
Dermogenys pusilla


Size: 2.5”
pH: 6.5-8.0
Tank size (in gallons): 15g
Country of origin: south and south west Asia
Diet: will accept frozen food
Temperament: Best in groups
Nitrate: <30ppm
Salinity: can be found in freshwater, brackish, and salt
Fished for: No
Status: Unknown
Harmful to humans: No

These fish can be found in fresh, brackish, and salt water! Males often Wrestle with each other. Weaker males will immediately back away. In nature, locals use them as fighting fish in place of Siamese Fighting Fish.
Wrestling Halfbeak
Dermogenys pusilla

View attachment 152933

Size: 2.5”
pH: 6.5-8.0
Tank size (in gallons): 15g
Country of origin: south and south west Asia
Diet: will accept frozen food
Temperament: Best in groups
Nitrate: <30ppm
Salinity: can be found in freshwater, brackish, and salt
Fished for: No
Status: Unknown
Harmful to humans: No

These fish can be found in fresh, brackish, and salt water! Males often Wrestle with each other. Weaker males will immediately back away. In nature, locals use them as fighting fish in place of Siamese Fighting Fish.


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