Rare Fish's Rare Fish of the Day!

This may not be a very rare or odd fish, but I like this fish and I would want to keep one at a point in time. Sorry my fish profiles have decreased in quality. Haven’t had much time.

Paradise Fish
Macropodus opercularis
View attachment 147759

Size: normally not more than 2”
pH: any. These fish are very hardy. Normally in between 6.5-8.2
Tank size (in gallons): pffffff take a guess!
Country of origin: East Asia. Found in cold and warm water with dense vegetation. Commonly found in rice fields.
Diet: Frozen mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, and can be fed commercial flakes
Temperament: Males are aggressive
Nitrate: <30ppm
Salinity: Some reports of paradise fish in slightly brackish water.
Fished for: No
Status: Least Concern
Harmful to humans: Harmless


These fish are quite common in the aquarium trade. They can be found in cold and hot water. Ponds and tanks. They need/enjoy plants. Males are aggressive. There is an albino variant. These fish are very helpful to humans, because they eat mosquito larvae. In Taiwan, there habitat is being destroyed, and infection of Dengue Fever and Yellow Fever have gone up. These fish are very very hardy.

Where to find them:
Most pond shops will have them


Not more than 2”! You must be joking.
I’ve just put the full Latin name into Google and looked at several sites and the sizes quoted by @I Like Rare Fish are accurate, with one exception. Seriously Fish state the standard size as 70-80 mm (2.7-3.1 inches).
Mines body length was nigh on two Zebra Danio body lengths when I had him about 24 years ago. Not that anyone stayed still long enough to compare.
Id say adult male would be getting towards 4”. Certainly over 3”.

If I thought just over 2” was their body length I’d be off down my LFS to get one right now. Lovely fish….mind he wasn’t keen on Neon Teras buzzing past his nose. Twas an illadvised tank.
Mines body length was nigh on two Zebra Danio body lengths when I had him about 24 years ago. Not that anyone stayed still long enough to compare.
Id say adult male would be getting towards 4”. Certainly over 3”.

If I thought just over 2” was their body length I’d be off down my LFS to get one right now. Lovely fish….mind he wasn’t keen on Neon Teras buzzing past his nose. Twas an illadvised tank.
I have no idea about these fish, I’ve got a Betta and some Guppies 🙂 (not in the same tank).

I try and check out the information and counter information to try and gain a better understanding…I didn’t realise there were two fish measurements (body length and total length).

Still not sure I’m any the wiser 😂 but it seems that @I Like Rare Fish’s article is correct to his sources.
I’d go by seriouslyfish off the top of my head and I’m just gonna check what they say now.
Seriouslyfish has 70-80mm. 2.75-3.25 inches. Hmmmmm. For the first time in my reborn aquarist life I’m doubting seriouslyfish. Obviously some must grow bigger than others.
Im a carpenter of 44 years sawdust manufacturing (minus covid of course). I know what measurements look like away from books and measuring tapes.
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I have no idea about these fish, I’ve got a Betta and some Guppies 🙂 (not in the same tank).

I try and check out the information and counter information to try and gain a better understanding…I didn’t realise there were two fish measurements (body length and total length).

Still not sure I’m any the wiser 😂 but it seems that @I Like Rare Fish’s article is correct to his sources.
Body length is what causes fish waste which is why it’s quoted a lot for stocking purposes.
Seriouslyfish has 70-80mm. 2.75-3.25 inches. Hmmmmm. For the first time in my reborn aquarist life I’m doubting seriouslyfish. Obviously some must grow bigger than others.
Im a carpenter of 44 years sawdust manufacturing (minus covid of course). I know what measurements look like away books and measuring tapes.
I’m a woman and work on the basis, “of course it will fit” (note no measuring mentioned) and then rearrange the whole lounge to fit a coffee table in 😂
SF also quotes tank size as within mines range. I’m dubious about putting a fish of even SFs version of Paradisefish size into my tank.
That my Paradisefish of years back was bigger is the reason I’ve never even considered one for my current set up even though SF considers everything within its parameters.
I considered a Flagfish instead because they’re smaller than Paradisefish and would’ve performed a similar centre piece type role.

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