"rare" Corydoras Availability


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
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Just wondering if anyone could reccomend where i could get

Corydoras duplicareus
Gold Laser Cory
Green Laser Cory
Orange Laser Cory

For a reasonable price. Only place i have managed to find them so far is Rare Aquatics and they are expensive (£15 each) and are wild caught, which I assume would mean they where a little less hardy to water changes than UK bred.
Corydoras duplicareus:

Also Wildwoods had some Gold Stripe Corys in for £9 IIRC
Corydoras duplicareus:

Also Wildwoods had some Gold Stripe Corys in for £9 IIRC

Cheers they only have 3 duplicareus though and i would rather buy 6 and i think Gold stripe and golden laser/Flash are a different fish. Golden stripe seem to be normal bronze with a gold line. Gold laser/flash are yellow cory with a distinct yellow line. At least i think i'm right. I'm happy to be corrected by any cory experts.
where in the uk are you then someone could maybe look out for them and let you no if they spot any. :good:

I live in South Wales. I want them for a community tank rather than breeding also so wild is probably a bit wasted on me. Although eventually if i can't find them anywhere else i might have to just bite the bullet. Think i might feel oblidged to try and breed them then though :rolleyes: Local MA said they could get me corydoras duplicuares for £35+ a piece. :crazy:
saw quite a few interesting ones listed on wildwoods stock list..but not sure of the price..and i think they do mail order now too.

oops i see someone already recommended wildwoods..also try ebay.....always something interesting on there...maybe a little pricey but i guess if you really want something its worth it.
It's not that i really mind paying a bit more for the ones i want. Just i don't want to pay over the odds and then find them for half the price a few weeks later.
Rare Aquatics in Crewe have Gold Laser Corys for £15 each :good:

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