Rapheal And Corys?


Fish Addict
Oct 14, 2006
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Hey everyone, I just purchased a striped rapheal catfish he is a nice looking fish hehe. Wasnt really on my fish wish list but got a bargain that I just had to have (28 apple snails for a striped rapheal catfish). My question is: Can it live with corydoras? I know they are predatory and everything but wondering if the bigger corys like brochis can live with him. If not I guess Ill just have to buy that 3ft tank after all hehe.

Thanks in advance, Torrens

P.S. I posted up on the cory section aswell but nobody has replied so I thought id post it up on here to see if anybody has anything to tell me about this topic.
I was told they are ok with corys, as long as they wont fit in their mouths, but mine still lives on his own at the moment.
I imagine they would get on ok. Larger Corry sp. may be your best bet however. Rapheal cats are very secrative and providing he gets a good quota of food, they should get on ok.
Just thought - make sure he gets enough food as well, he will be shy about eating with others where the corys wont and can gobble everything before anyone else gets a chance :)
yep i agree, make sure he gets his fair share of grub and all shoiuld be ok :)
again - just thought lol - I use a turkey baster to shoot food into his little cave :p I normally shoot in twice as much as I feed the corys, as they will go in and pick at his once they finished theres, but he should eat up while in his little hidy hole, then either push them out or let them tidy up what he hasn't eaten.
I heard that when they are smaller it is when they dont get enough food because they are more shy. But when they get older and bigger they are more active and come out when they are fed. I was thinking if I got some of the bigger corys i should be ok. At the moment he is quite small and maybe if he grows up with corys he might not eat them when he is bigger. Thanks for the help so far
I've had 2 rapheals in with 6 corys for a year now,the rapheals already haveing been 4 or 5 inches long when i put the 3/4-1 inch corys in with them.....never had any problams at all and i've seen the corys resting in the same cave as the rapheals.
yep,mine got a little bolder as they got older and bigger,and when they are hungry,they come out of hideing the second the food hits the water.They are really cool little guys and haven't eaten anything other than sowrdtail fry and even then they had to preaty much swim into the rapheals mouth (lazy too hehehe) :)
I'd love some Raphaels but I'm still too concerned to for my cories and danios. Though this tempts me to give it a try with a smaller Raphael and see how it goes.
Teelie I can let you know how I go when I put corys in with him in the coming weeks. I have a cory sodalis and at the moment is bigger then the raphael hehe
i had 2 raphs with 2 albino corys and they were fine, i cant see them ever not gettin on
They will be fine if they can't fit in the raphaels mouth.My massive raphael cat tries to eat his smaller little buddy because he is in the same territory but luckily he is to big :rolleyes:

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