Raphael Catfish Tankmates


New Member
Jan 8, 2009
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Stamford, CT USA
Hello. I have a gorgeous raphael catfish currently in a 10 gallon tank. He's 2 inches long and I want to move him to my 75 gallon. The water param's are similar (Nitrite/ammonia = 0, Nitrate 10-15) with only the PH being different (from 6.5 to 7.2) and the temp is exactly the same (78 degrees). I figure he'd be okay in the bigger tank water and would like it more. The question is, would he get along with what's in the tank already and what I plan on adding...

In already:
2 angelfish (2.5 inch and 2 inches)
3 clown loaches (all right around 1" right now)
3 Irridescent sharks (all around 2-3 inches)

Want to add:
3 more clown loaches, similar size
small school of guarami's
a few congo tetra's

Please let me know if my raphael catfish will do okay in this new tank. I can get him a friend if need be as well.


The raphael should be fine in there. However, if those clown loaches grow anywhere near as large as they can, your tank will be far too crowded. They can reach up to 18" each...

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