Rant About Fish Shop


Fish Crazy
Jul 22, 2010
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I went to my usual fish shop today and have now banned myself from there, not only was there a whole load of dead fishes (not normal) but even the cold water had dieses, i bought a couple of barbs but decided i couldn't give them what they needed as i try to stay away from fin nippers, i returned them with a smile and a sorry and watched them go directly back into the tank, i was a little worried as my tanks could of had anything theyve now just given to the other 50 in the tank :huh: I bought 2 female rams for my mesters and they both died last night :angry: , i bought 2 paradise fish who now don't look happy at all :crazy: and now i've decided it's time to find a new shop, i bought a deformed tetra and a half eaten danio which they kindly left in with puffers as live food and were happy to charge me full price for both.

I think it's creul and un called for but aslong as these people are making money they don't seem to care about the welfare of there stock, to them it's just another dead fish :-(

Rant over.
That sucks hopefully they either relize what they are doing or go out of business.
TiffanyJayne, if you keep buying things from them you are encouraging them to continue their present practices. After all, it is not impacting their business.
TiffanyJayne, if you keep buying things from them you are encouraging them to continue their present practices. After all, it is not impacting their business.

This i know, which is why i've promised myself not to go back.
I know a hobbist who's turned his garage into a mini shop and i know his fish are well kept and if i have any problems he'd help in any way but he's limited to what fish he has so i struggle to get hold of the more adventurous fish which is why i've continued to shop there.
But i shall not return until things are back to a suitable standard in my eyes.
It really is sad to see them not caring for fish properly..they are still live animals not product :angry:
Sometimes I feel bad for certain fish though and save them. I hate to leave them there to be mistreated :-(

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