Random Question


Jan 28, 2006
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I was just wondering when fish go up and down the glass, what does this exactly mean? Good or bad?
are you talking about your cories? if so then they do this quite alot, since they are able to take gulps of air from the surface, because they have to do this in their natural habitat when the water gets all crappy. but i think its normal, not necessarily meaning that your params are bad, might want to check with that though.
Other times it could mean your water is bad and needs changing. What are the water parameters? Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate imparticular?
It was a white skirt tetra in a 10 gallon hospital tank. He just goes up and down the glass, but I saw him doing this in the dark before I turned the lights on. That's when he stopped. I think he might've been just playing.
if he did this exclusively in the dark, then i would expect that it is nothing to worry about, but if he does it excessively, light or dark, then it might be something to worry about.
cories use atmospheric air to aid in their digestion, that's why THEY might swim up and down on occasion, but if it was a white skirt tetra, my thoughts would be stress. since it's in the hospital tank, is it the only one in their? perhaps it's stressed from being seperated from its shoal.
doesnt the glass reflect some times? like when its close to a surface, my fish do it like they are chasing there reflection sometimes.
I know puffers often do that when they are bored. Lack of decor or other fish. If it is alone that could be it.

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