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Cheers, Arachnidzone :good:

Like the look of the second site...looks like I could get them to cut me a 20-22 " depth....maybe even an extra 1/2 foot length also. Probably have to custom make the hood, but that can't be to hard...just match wood to the stand.

Going to take a better look now.... :)

Edit: Currently awaiting a quote for a 54(L) X 22(D) X 24(H) tank..... :)

Also asked for extra costs like drilling, custom hood, etc
Edit: Currently awaiting a quote for a 54(L) X 22(D) X 24(H) tank..... :)

Also asked for extra costs like drilling, custom hood, etc

Looking forward to your quote, i think the Jewels are 'off the peg' so to speak, they are expensive partly due to the name and the development which has gone into the pumps, filters etc, probably very high shipping costs too, a custom made local tank can alwayswork out cheaper!

Good luck! :)
Thank's, Arachnidzone :good:

Yeah, I couldn't believe it when I seen where this place was....just up the road :D

Your help and advice is much appreciated. I know you are very busy at the moment, yet you still have time to make renders, find me local tank sellers, advice me, etc. :cool:

As for the quote...hmmm, nothing in my email so far :/ Maybe later tonight or tomorrow something will come through :)

Ps, Oh yeh, I bought a few of the materials for my background, today. Loads of polystyrene, lol! Two sheets, 8ft x 4ft...one 100mm (T) other 25mm (T). Another 2 packs of 4 sheets 4ft x 2ft ( 25mm & 50mm (t) ). Craft knives and toothpicks. :) Going to have a go at cutting some shapes later on...I'll post some pics If I dont mess it up, lol!
"Gun, i say draw the crevices with an iron and/or soldering iron. It will be smelly, messy and fun, be sure to let the iron cool then scrub with a scouring pad afterwards! You can pick up a cheap soldering iron for under £5 usually. So precise you could sign your name in it.

For a rio i definitely say 6 4" stump of legs with 4"x2" connecting it, then if you can find it black ash to trip and do worktop, perfect match for a black Rio! Alternative is 1/4" MDF with matt black chalkboard paint! OR even black material over the front as curtains, anything black which means when its dark you only see the tank! I use this for tanks and snake vivs, looks amazing in a dim room!

Will do a 3D plan for you!

Can i suggest anything plastic for the pegs to hold the pieces to the back. Is the plan to assemble and glue in-tank? "

Yep, I think I'm definately going to have a go at melting in some form..probably soldering iron :unsure:

I love this idea of black curtains creating the effect you describe above...you clever, Arachnidzone :D
Gun, ust glad i can be of service, very busy planning, designing, researching etc for the move but the busyness means im online about 8 hours+ a day and a need a break inbetween so easy to come on here! :)

Let us know how you get on with the soldering iron! And remember ventillation, or better still, do it outside (not in the rain... lol) or in teh garage with door open, just dont breath in the fumes, dont lean above it etc. Melting things is fun though! :hyper:

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