So, I have mainly albinos, and one black one, one panda. Are my panda and black corys lonely being the only of their kind, or is it ok since they have other corys? What about since my black cory and two of my albinos are blind? The two albinos had both their eyes eaten out in another tank so I took them to my peaceful tank, there's also another albino who I managed to get after he'd lost only one eye. So with seven corys, they are even divided between sighted and blind. Odd huh? The blind albinos are See & Saw, the one eyed is Crater. I think the big sighted albino, Casper, leads them around the tank, the smaller one, Flour, is beginning to as well. Some people tell me I'm mean for keeping them, that they're miserable if they can't see, stuff like that. Does blindness diminish quality of life? They all eat fine ... They do what I call 'the happy dance' swimming in figure eights across the bubbles from the bubble stone ... The blind ones bumping into the others ... I dunno .... Just making sure they're all ok I guess ...