Ramshorns Snails

No one is to blame except for me and my vague description! Thank you all and hope these will be happy with me :)
thanks isnail! my saviour :blush: :wub:

thanks for all the support everyone, fingers crossed they like me and start to breed :)

Feed them nice and good and that is about all of the conditions they need. They are a type of pest snail... So they should reproduce quickly! :good:
Many thanks! Given them a nice clean and some fresh veggies, they are really quite pretty for snails!
:rolleyes: There wasn't pics before I was merely going by size normally red ramshorns get decimated before getting to that size my bad.

Sorry if I sounded mean. My bad :blush: :blush:

My red ramshorns actually get quite big. Some grow to about 2cm in diameter. They just eat and eat until they die of old age :lol:

Be careful not to squish the newly hatched when cleaning. They are absolutely tiny :)
Hmmmm did think of that with first clean up yesterday (no small yet but got me thinking), have the tinest tube that fill with water to make my own gravel vac, it has quite a suck though so will just have to be vigilant and watchful.. :blink:

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