I have a rockpile that has many caves and crevices along the whole back wall of my aquarium, so they should be able to stay somewhat away from each other. But the one has taken the whole rockpile as hers, although she lets the clownloaches, and Congos tetras go wherever they please.
More than anything I have one krib that is just way more snippy than the other one, and isn't afraid to just swim around and chase the other krib. I know the more timid one is somewhat stressed as she stays a very pale color all day, but when you first turn the light on after she has been relaxed all night she is just as bright and dark as the other one stays all day, but then the chasing begins.
I hate to trade one in, I have had them over a year now, but in the last month since the rockpile went in theyre driving me nuts. That and rams are cuter too.