

New Member
Mar 2, 2004
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I have two very pretty rams "butterfly cichlids"
Dont know whether they are male or female

But every now and again they come face to face with each other and head butt one another

Also when they face each other they seem to quiver

What could this be about? im so confused :/

Is it agression or some form of affection?

Please help!!
lol i dunno it just sounds funny how they head-butt each other

sorry for not being able to help :p
Sounds like you have two of the same sex. I have recently gotten four German Blue rams (two males two females) and my males do this a LOT when the other comes into their territory. You can say its determining dominance, protecting territory. I call it the "face off" cause thats what it looks like to me. Its really interesting to watch isn't it! :D

These fish are relatively easy to sex, the female has a golden band just to the black spot on the side of the fish. She is also often shorter in body length and typically has a fatter belly.

It's true that the "head butting" is just a frontal threat display, but notice males do it to males and females to females. If you need any help feel free to post some clear pictures and I'll sex them for you.


I heard they were very difficult to sex as so much inbreeding has occured that htey no longer keep traits that can definately be seen as male or female

i also have a pair of which i have seperated now becuase they fought so much just as you were describing. I was almost sure i had a male and female judging by their external sex organs but apparently not
I read that (this is for german blues) the males will fight and the females will fight. I have two pairs of german blue rams and the male from one pair will fight with the female from the other pair. Both of my pairs have just spawned. The first pair that spawned, I lost all the eggs to other fish (because I wasn't prepared for them spawning.) The second pair spawned last night. Well the first pair the male has chased his female off and seems to be trying to steal the other female. But that female keeps chasing him away. She will go all the way across the tank to fight him. (to fight the other female too.)

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