Rams, Guppies, Platies, Endlers


Fish Crazy
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
Albany, NY
I have a community tank that has guppies, endlers, and platies, i was wondering if i could add a pair of rams to the tank. Will the fish fight or live together in peace? which type should i remove if they are going to fight.
You also have guppy / endler hybrids in that tank. In the future, do not add both to the same tank unless you just don't care about the hybrids.
You also have guppy / endler hybrids in that tank. In the future, do not add both to the same tank unless you just don't care about the hybrids.

I didn't know that could happen! :shout: I don't have guppies or endlers.

The guppies, platys, and endlers should work Okay, but I am not experienced when it comes to rams.
before adding any new fish to your comunity tank ,you must isolate the new fish in a diferent tank to prevent contagious viruses that could kill your other fish separate for two or three weeks at least
what type of rams are you thinking of? Geman blue? or golden?

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[/quote]what kind of rams you mean? cos I only know ram cichlid and those are agresive when the tank gets crowded although ram cichlids are the most peaceful from the cichlids I'd personaly keep these kind away from guppies because these could easy kill them especialy if they'r weak or sick
Although the rams may be compatible with adult guppies, one or the other of those fish will not thrive in the tank. The rams with a target of soft, low pH water and the guppies with a target of hard, high pH water should be kept in separate tanks. Guppies will adapt to almost any temperature, even a hot ram tank at 27C but the water mineral content will lead to all the concerns that I read about where people think their guppies are inherently weak fish. Guppies are as tough as nails in water that is suitable for them but that water is much harder and much cooler than a ram would find comfortable. Guppies actually do best around 23C but will survive and reproduce faster at 27C. They are also quite comfortable all the way down below 20C.
When it comes to mix diferent kind of fish in one tank you must consider several factors like if they are compatible in the behavior sense and how about the water parameters . Do guppies and rams fit the same requirement? .........I'm asking you this because I had two bad experiences about
mixing diferent kind of fishes........and all of them were peaceful

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